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career limiting maneuver

noun. An act by an individual, whether deliberate or inadvertent, that will most likely limit one's upward career potential.

John's coffee room chatter criticizing the company was overheard by upper management and quickly became a career limiting maneuver.

by Jamie August 13, 2004

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HiT Entertainment Limited

HiT Entertainment Limited (doing business as Mattel Television) is a British-American entertainment company owned by Mattel and originally established in 1982 as Henson International Television. It was founded as the international distribution arm of Jim Henson Productions.

Thomas the Tank Engine: HiT Entertainment Limited makes cartoons

Fireman Sam: yeah, good ones!

Philip Blake Moss: Iโ€™m looking to buy another HiT Entertainment DVD

by Tank-Slushy July 17, 2021

Asian Speed Limit

when a driver is driviving 10-20 mph under the speed limit on a higher speed roadway usually in the left lane preventing traffic from using the passing lane. Generally a female Asian driver

Oh my god I've been stuck behind this Toyota Minivan going the Asian speed limit for thirty minutes on the 401! for the love of god! Get out of the left lane!!!

by Jaysunn72 December 18, 2016

Charlottesville Speed Limit

The Charlottesville Speed limit is when driving in Charlottesville Virginia, whatever the Speed Limit sign says but mentally add 10 to it. E.G. 55 + 10 = 65.

Unless there are any police around, then it's what the sign says.

"Man, Traffic was booking along today. Thank goodness for the Charlottesville Speed Limit!"

by Anonymous#20XX April 30, 2010

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public image limited

A punk band formed in 1978 by John Lydon (aka Johnny Rotten) after the Sex Pistols disbanded.

this is not a love song

by bryan May 17, 2004

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Four Cheese Limit

The act of avoiding social interaction for reasons that boggle the mind of an outside observer.

Bob: So want to come over for a social dinner we are having tommorow? We are making 5 cheese ziti.

Ted: Eh, five cheeses? I have a four cheese limit. I will pass.

by Go CHINA December 2, 2006

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speed limit 18

an up-and-coming indie pop band with a lot of potential and a lot of passion

Speed Limit 18 is the best! I love Speed Limit 18!

by Oliver Sachs May 28, 2020

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