someone that gets called a twat is a twat
person 1:” wow he’s such a twat
person 2:”yes”
1. Used in America to insult somebody referring to how stupid they are. usually used for men.
2. Used in the UK to insult somebody who does something stupid.
3. Used in the UK to reference female genitalia in a harsh manner
UK - tw-ah-t
US - tw-o-t
1. You twat!
2. did you see Kevin? Man that boy's a right twat
3. See that girl? I bet her twat is minging
Like a cunt but not as bad.
People who say this word are genuises who understand the difference between cunts, dick heads and twats.
*John stole the blunt*
Sean: John stop being a twat!
a derogatory word used in the British-English language or American English language to refer to someone as being stupid or obnoxious.
Stop being such a little twat and get back to work
Its a girls private part and a short word for pussy
Boy:i have a dick Girl: i have a twat
Twat, a strike were your fingers flail from a clench fist to strike you target with a whipping motion, twat resembles the sound made on connection
Tramp:"G'is yer kebab"
Twat master:"fuck off *twats tramp right between the eyes*"
Typically an obnoxious female.
Usually angry and unpleasant, itching to yell at you or accuse of something, typically gender based.
A female that complains and likes to cause trouble. Generally subversive.
Who complained about the temperature? It's 80 degrees here now.
It was Jennifer, that twat.