Source Code

Schrodingers Dick

Lets say hypothetically theres a guy you know who hasn’t even thought of showing you his cock what would you assume? Big ? Small? There is a fifty fifty chance; however meaning there is a fifty fifty chance then hypothetically it can be both, therefore meaning there is also a Higher percentage that it could just be medium

Iris:Unless your pp is Excalibur And somehow magically cut through the brick then i beg to differ that you dodged it cuz I could have smashed it up with the brick in seconds or thrown it at the pp

Kujo: So if you beg to differ.. Do you think my pp's big then? 🤨

Iris: Well , assuming that 9 times out of ten you act like you do have a big pp and say it then ofcourse i may assume that, although there is the 50/50 chance that you are either small or big ; however if its a 50/50 chance then there is also the chance that you are both , so assuming either would be wrong in my eyes so simply put, I would say medium. I call it, “Schrodingers dick”

by Iris sus June 29, 2022

Schrödinger's Dick

A scientific theory stating that the size of a virgin's dick is both above and below average until they measure it.

Person 1: Do you have a big dick?
Person 2: I'm not sure, I'm too lazy to measure it.
Person 1: Oh, so it's a Schrödinger's Dick situation.

by Skulltra February 3, 2021

Dick Salsa

The residual semen exiting the vagina after ejaculating in a girl while on her menstrual cycle.

You should seen the dick salsa run down that chicks legs when she stood up after we bumped nugs.

by Dsalsa6969 January 11, 2021

Dope dick

An Italian who's body resembles a Grecian god, usually a Matt.

He's got that dope dick

by H-town queen January 21, 2018

Dick shit

When a guy is taking so long to pee it seems as if they were shitting out of their dick.

"Goddamnit what's taking so long at that urinal?"
"Evidently he's taking a dick shit ."

by Patmcgroin7 January 18, 2018

Dick Shit

A trem of derision. A male ejeculated a turd into a females uterus which fertilized a malformed egg. The resulting embryo emplanted and produced a Dick Shit.

Jim Jordan is a d Dick Shit.

by Alpha13579 May 27, 2022

Dick Shit

Dick shit:
An Insult towards a person you hate and a combo with Dick and Shit.

Me: Have you seen that girl?
Friend: Who?
Me: Dick shit.
Friend: ohh.

by Corruption_Shaker September 4, 2019