Lets say hypothetically theres a guy you know who hasn’t even thought of showing you his cock what would you assume? Big ? Small? There is a fifty fifty chance; however meaning there is a fifty fifty chance then hypothetically it can be both, therefore meaning there is also a Higher percentage that it could just be medium
Iris:Unless your pp is Excalibur And somehow magically cut through the brick then i beg to differ that you dodged it cuz I could have smashed it up with the brick in seconds or thrown it at the pp
Kujo: So if you beg to differ.. Do you think my pp's big then? 🤨
Iris: Well , assuming that 9 times out of ten you act like you do have a big pp and say it then ofcourse i may assume that, although there is the 50/50 chance that you are either small or big ; however if its a 50/50 chance then there is also the chance that you are both , so assuming either would be wrong in my eyes so simply put, I would say medium. I call it, “Schrodingers dick”
A scientific theory stating that the size of a virgin's dick is both above and below average until they measure it.
Person 1: Do you have a big dick?
Person 2: I'm not sure, I'm too lazy to measure it.
Person 1: Oh, so it's a Schrödinger's Dick situation.
The residual semen exiting the vagina after ejaculating in a girl while on her menstrual cycle.
You should seen the dick salsa run down that chicks legs when she stood up after we bumped nugs.
An Italian who's body resembles a Grecian god, usually a Matt.
When a guy is taking so long to pee it seems as if they were shitting out of their dick.
"Goddamnit what's taking so long at that urinal?"
"Evidently he's taking a dick shit ."
A trem of derision. A male ejeculated a turd into a females uterus which fertilized a malformed egg. The resulting embryo emplanted and produced a Dick Shit.
Jim Jordan is a d Dick Shit.
Dick shit:
An Insult towards a person you hate and a combo with Dick and Shit.
Me: Have you seen that girl?
Friend: Who?
Me: Dick shit.
Friend: ohh.