Source Code

Kill a gay people day

Kill a gay people day is on march 20, in kill a gay people day, everyone is allowed kill lgbtq supporters and lgbtq people

Hey man its Kill a gay people day!! lets beat up some gay people!

by REAL_FR March 29, 2023

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Throwing rocks at old people

To take a shower

Y'von: "Hey Jorge, what are you doing?"

Jorge: "I be throwing rocks at old people."

Y'von: "Oh, well that explains why you are naked and covered with water."

by Johnny_Feelgood July 8, 2010

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POP (Profits Over People)

The mantra of the Corporation.

CEO of Baby Coffins Inc: "We will grow our profits this quarter by any means necessary."

Corporate Rookie: "But sir, our production is already as efficient as possible with the Asian laborers being paid five cents per day. It's not like we can control the infant mortality rate or anything."

CEO of Baby Coffins Inc: "Like I said, by any means necessary. Remember, it's all about POP (Profits Over People)!"

by Hypomanic March 1, 2010

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Punt Short People Day

When you don't want to wait for Throw Short People Day

"I can't wait for Throw Short People Day"
"Today is Punt Short People Day!"

by cucoshorty December 24, 2021

Unique People That Really Exist

another stupid ad at the bottom of the urban dictionary on definitions that stand alone
also not you lol

Urban Dictionary: what ad should we put today? OH I KNOW Let's do Unique People That Really Exist and put a fake picture of a child in a hospital with an eel/alligator tail! :D
Me: just no.
Urban Dictionary: I'm doing it anyway no matter what you say babaaaaayyyy
Me: `~~*~(--o--)_(--o--)~*~``~


by Big_Sussy_Amogus October 13, 2021

Kick Short People Day

The 30th August is Kick Short People Day! Go ahead and slap em!

Come to sweet Pablo's, it's Kick Short People Day!

by Alla Gnatenko August 29, 2021

kick tall people month

During the month of November, you may kick any tall person, 5’6 or over, as much as you want whenever you want. Get your revengeeee!!
Hey! It’s kick tall people month! Let’s go kick some people

Person 1: hey guess what
Person 2 (over 5’6): what?
Person 1: it’s kick tall people month
Person 2: wait what no pls
Person 1: *kicks in the balls*
Person 2: AAAAA

by AApain October 7, 2022