The Dominican Spanish way of saying "what's up"
Tina: "Hannah, is that you???"
Hannah: "K lo wa gurrllll"
Tom: "Hey Garry, how's it going?"
Garry: "K lo wa...u chillin"
The term "That K-Dramatic Soul" refers to the only soul that is filled with K-Dramas and characterized by public displays of dramatic behavior.
The first person asks: What is that guy doing outside in public?
The other person says: It is wise to ignore him. He is "That K-Dramatic Soul"!
A weird way to say ''General Kenobi''
General K-no-b, you are a bold one
When the gas station runs out of gas and cars do laps the pumps, then drive off.
I love when we run out of gas. There's a Circle K parade every few minutes.
o.k.u. this event is people friendly. _OKU_
by attending; you are saying o.k. to the 'peops' {your friends here}
we say o.k. to u you
transmission / trance-mission is: o k u
do _u_ want-to go ?
person who’s rich but makes friends pay for his shit.
Jake: pay for my food you puss
Sebastian: Nize it money man k
I miss my Alfie K D.Everyone needs a Alfie in their lives- when you meet him he's alr...get to know him he's unreplaceable. He'll break your heart and it's the worst heartbreak ever even if you've never dated. Copycat D always is like that. Alfie K D is funny, strong (really never tell him tho) and I miss you old Alfie. Wish you were the same. Alfie K D has a good memory.
Do you remember?
Remember what?
Ohhhhhhhh yes heehee
You must have a Alfie K D memory