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Who is an ugly turd


Who is you? (Who is an ugly turd)

by D BIG May 24, 2022

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Turds with friends

Taking pictures of your bowel movements to share & compare with your friends via picture message on a mobile device.

Dick - "What took you so long in the crap-closet?"
Stewart - "I had to get my IPhone out and take a picture of my colon cannonball to send to Jimothy."
Dick - "Why did you send a pic of your toilet brownies to Jimothy?"
Stewart - "Dude, I'm in a heated Turds with Friends battle with Jimothy and I think I can win this week with this one!"

by tikirye December 8, 2011

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Nerd turd burglar

Someone who sodomises science-fiction fanatics and computer programmers.

"Cor blimey, he's a right nerd turd burglar!"

by Clarice December 3, 2003

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Big fat turd

An insult that is often considered the worst. Meaning that a person is less then worthless etc.

I hope you die and burn in hell you big fat turd!

by Judge dredd7 February 10, 2011

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three point turd

A three point turd is a particularly nasty form of turd that occurs subsequent to the consumption of many samoosas.
It burns like hell and feels like it has three sharp corners.

Three point turds are commonly done by Indians, Malays, Hindus and other eastern denominations which are all commonly fond of samoosas, and are all known by one or more of the terms: Curries, Tjarras, Koelies, towel-heads and diaper-tops.

"Goodgollyman, dat samoosa waz verry hot! I hev just dun a three point turd in muy undarodz!"
"Don't make your problems my problems, towel-head."

by turdmeister August 5, 2009

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Turd pie monkey

a person who acts like they are slick but they are retarted as fuck and they are really gay

Steven is a Turd Pie Monkey

by Birdkilla05 October 8, 2003

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turd burglar

The worlds greatest skateboarding crew from RADelaide, South Australia.

The Members are Frenzal, Ferret, Animal Chin, Nugget, Patty Holland and Clown.

Never Mind Carlisle Clique, here is the TURD BURGLARS

by *frenzal* March 31, 2005

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