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Passive Offensive

An unintended action or behavior that ends up being offensive or controversial to others. This typically occurs when someone is unaware of the cultural or social implications of their actions, leading to misunderstandings and potential discomfort for others. It is not deliberate, but it still can have a significant impact on relationships and social dynamics.

Hey, did you see Jake's new hairstyle? He let his hair get all tangled and messy, and now it looks like dreadlocks. I don't think he meant to offend anyone, but some people are taking it as cultural appropriation. It's totally a passive offensive situation.

by idontcariel October 31, 2023

offense intended

The opposite of "no offense"
It's what you say right before insulting somebody to let him know your insult is intentional and that you mean every word of it too

^ No offense, but you support racist immigration policies, and I don't respect that
> Yeah, well, offense intended: I screw your Salvadoran girlfriend behind your back, and she loves it. So take that, you cuckolded little B
^ Hey, what the hell!

by thurb April 17, 2023

second-hand offense

The irritating process in which someone gets offended by something FOR someone else before they get offended, even if they wouldn't actually get offended by it. Most commonly observed on social networking platform: Twitter.

Mei: *name is Mei*
Modern Twitter users: Ur name is Mei? :/ please stop appropriating japanese names. we know ur name is amanda or basic white name
Mei: I'm literally asian help
Me: Do not fret, they are suffering second-hand offense

by 10:20am September 16, 2021

offensive humour

Hate speech / sensitive subjects with a punchline.

Hey man you like offensive humour?
Racist jokes or 9/11?
Racist 9/11 jokes!

by Loogs October 10, 2022


Facts don't care about you feelings

Hym "Again... My offense at the whore fucking that retard and the retard subsequently being brought women so no. Do the trans people offense matter to you? No. The only offense that matters to you is your own and it's only because you're not willing to not be the arbiter of superiority. Shill for the matriarchy or at least don't disparage it... Or else we get to take everything from you because freedom is doing what I want you to do..."

by Hym Iam February 22, 2023


No. It's not a matter of offense.

Hym "No, you're using the word 'offense' to try to frame my reaction as hypocrisy and you're doing it to justify your own behavior. 'I'm doing this because you have a stance on "offense" that I disagree with, therefore, I'm allowed to "offend" you as much as I want. Because if you get offended the you're a hypocrite and my position is validated.' That's what you're really doing and your doing it because you're not smart enough to actually win the argument. Or even actually agrue you point. You're brains are dumb and mine are smart... And extra fuildy... But yeah... The only correlation between intelligence and gas station work is an inverse one."

by Hym Iam July 30, 2023


Annoyance or resentment brought about by a perceived insult to or disregard for oneself or one's standards or principles.

John: So, I named my dog 5 miles
Adam: Why?
John: So I can say I walk 5 miles
Adam: Clever
John: *goes silent for a minute* But today I ran over 5 miles.
(Lets pretend I defined this word *Offense* Its juss dark humor)

by Sub_To_"Nolea_lol"_On_YouTube October 12, 2020