refers to an individual obsessed with the Corona Virus.
Person 1: Dave won't shut up about Corona Virus, he's got a mountain of toilet paper.
Person 2: yeah he's got Corona Boner something bad.
18đź‘Ť 10đź‘Ž
Hard times these days for the drive-around, ice-cream dude.
Damn, did you hear that they arrested the Ice Cream Man...yeah, he was accused of doling out Corona Cones to unsuspecting youth.
9đź‘Ť 4đź‘Ž
Pax Corona (Latin for “Crown Peace”) describes the peace that the natural world experienced during the 2019-2020 coronavirus pandemic, as the global slowdown in mancer activity—due to lockdowns and quarantines—has given Mother Nature some time to take a much-needed breath of fresh air.
Between travel restrictions, reductions in public transport and overall economic activity that generates emissions—such as coal burning, refining oil, producing steel, air travel, ground transportation—the climate is getting the kind of rest from destructive mancer activity it hasn’t gotten since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. The lockdown in China (the world’s biggest emitter of greenhouse gases), for example, has cut the nation’s carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 100 million metric tons in just two weeks.
Pax Corona is adapted from the term “Pax Romana” (Latin for "Roman Peace"), the roughly 222-year-long period in Roman history which is identified with increased and sustained inner hegemonial peace and stability (though not meaning without wars, expansion and revolts).
While the coronavirus pandemic has caused death and chaos across the
mancer civilization, Mother Nature and non-human species are happily experiencing a Pax Corona.
A vacation/break dedicated to Coronavirus. Schools are canceled due to Covid so enjoy your vacation!
Person 1: Yo we are on corona vacation!
Auto dealers giving away cars like It’s tax season to everyone and they mama during Covid-19.
Girl, you don’t see all these ppl with new tags. That’s a Corona Car!
Person who would test positive for Coronavirus if there were tests, but shows no signs of symptoms of Coronavirus or common sense. These people ignore all social distancing practices and blow it off as a stupid idea.
Hey Jeff, let me in, I brought my new bong for us to try
Stop knocking on my door and get your dumb ass off my porch! I saw you at the the park this morning playing hoops with 6 or 8 people. Stay away you probably have Walk’n Corona.
Babies born twelve to sixteen months after the start of the COVID-19 Mandatory Quarantine Pandemic. Depending on your geographic location, the start of quarantine happened anywhere from January 2020-March 2020. Many activities can happen in quarantine, such as follows: Netflix, limitless trips to the refrigerator, arts and crafts, binge drinking on a daily basis, working out, wondering where to buy toilet paper, playing music on your balcony using pots and pans with others that are quarantined, and sex. Yes, alot of sex, and most likely unprotected due to protection most likely not being at the top of the survival list of being in quarantine. The result of unprotected quarantined sex is called, a Corona Baby.
"OH my goodness, your baby is adorable, how old is he!?" " Well, he's a Corona Baby, and the year is 2025, so you do the math."