Someone who doesn't allow a description on urban dictionary for no reason
Why you twat?
Offensively ignorant. Stupid to the extreme. Misleading people with their idiot advice usually with a flappy slappy vagina face
Elon Musk is a twat because he shilled the shit out of Dogecoin without understanding what a blocksize is. He had no concept of mining. Of course Bitcoin is bad for the environment. So are datacenters. And then he had to shill the shit out of Signal, a US honeypot operation. How are we going to catch terrorist now with everyone using Signal? Get it together man, you fucking twat
Offensively ignorant. Stupid to the extreme. Misleading people with bad advice usually with a stupid slappy flappy vagina face
Elon Musk is a twat for shilling the shit out of Dogecoin without understanding what a blocksize is. Of course mining is bad for the environment. What about the environmental impact of datacenters? And then he had to promote Signal, a US honeypot operation. How are we going to catch terrorist now? Get it together man, you fucking twat
The Twat
I once knew a man that was a twat,
He's every thought was that of an imbecile...
He was wholly unjustified in his every word;
When he was in a twatish mood...
Which was exceedingly annoying,
And didn't take anything to start him off...
Save perhaps being content or happy;
You'd think that he was jealous, but this twat was not...
The twat uhh'd and err'd and ahh'd,
Because he was an annoying twat as well...
He passed twatish judgements of events;
And his twat brain got it wrong 100% every time...
He never said please or thank you,
Because he had twat manners too...
And he never gave praise and rarely encouragement;
Because he was an ungrateful twat also...
He preferred the company of fools,
Because they made him look good compared to him...
But only a twat would be so easily pleased;
Like boasting of being a lolly stick stood up in dog shit...
Well; the twat didn't have many friends,
Because.people saw.right through him...
He was fine approximately half of the time;
Which suggests his brain was divided between a twat half and normal...
Quiet why this guy was a twat?
Defies all explanations...
If the best we can do is to just annoy people;
Then that is the most twatish excuse for an existence...
Wot a Twat!
Twat is when someone is so stupid you want to hit the person.
I hit my friend for being a Twat
A little bitch boy/bitch girl
Tylo lost his precious bag and is being a total twat