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simple shit

Something so simple a brain-dead potato with no eyes could do it blindfolded.

Problem is that some people find simple shit really tough or even impossible to understand.

To further understand it, read the examples. This is simple shit.

Tommy: nnngggfff mffff ngggggmmmm
Daddy: It's 20 below and you lick the lamp post? Come on, this is simple shit.
Dick: I got 3rd degree burns and can't sit or shit without agony. Aaaagh!

Joe: You tried to light a fart! This is simple shit.
Annie:My shit tastes horrid!
Suzy: God, Annie, this is such simple shit.

by verbusaccidentibus August 10, 2010

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shit one

Said when something bad happens, sometimes in a derisive manner.

Ed: I got caught with porn by my mom.
Bob: Shit one.

by niall February 15, 2004

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well, no shit

A response similar to 'how interesting' or 'I didn't know that'.

Ex. Person 1- "did you know that there are over a thousand different species of fish?" Person 2- "well, no shit!"

by the dirty bastard May 27, 2009

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Shit Spaghetti

Noun - The type of feces that occurs when a particularly hairy man's ass hairs bind after a hot day or sweaty workingout. Upon going to the washroom, it creates a grater-like effect when expelling fecal matter. The bound hairs proceed to shread the outgoing turds into spaghetti like strands, creating Shit Spaghetti. Particularly evident in Italian men.

"Dude, that hairy guy over there just dropped a load of shit spaghetti into the john and forgot to flush."

by Just a Duck December 12, 2009

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shit festival

When something is so horrible, so fucking bad quality, such a piece of shit that it's appealing as going to a festival to view and discuss various fecal matters that parted ways with different animal anus holes.

See also: Waste of time, shitload of fuck, dogshit, toilet odor.

Watching the Hills Have Eyes was a complete shit festival.

by stab licker March 25, 2007

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shit flakes

when you go to use the toilet after someone took a dump & didnt double flush, & shit particles are floating around.

"damn meg, did you just take a dump? you forgot to finish flushing, now there's shit flakes floating around"

by 40zN9z September 6, 2009

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shit hawk

a big shitty bird that swoops down and puts poop on you and carries you away back to its big shitty nest.

im not afraid of no fucking shit hawks

by olliver clothsoff January 3, 2009

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