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booze jockey

a bar tender

the booze jockey poured a perfect pint of pilsner

by sircasey February 18, 2009

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jizz jockey

A person preferably male that has sex with other people for money or other financial gain.

Man, Jim has such nice things. It really pays being a jizz jockey.

by Paledon August 15, 2006

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Coon Jockey

A petite white woman who tends to ride black men.

Guy 1: "My ex weighed 100 pounds, but she had a bad case of jungle fever"
Guy 2: "What a fuckin' coon jockey"

by PDCJ Steve May 5, 2008

34๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

carpet jockey

(noun) One who is adept and dynamic in the art of cunnilingus. 2. One who enjoys muff diving.

That carpet jockey was audacious; it was the most vigorous display of stag film carpet jockeying I've ever seen.

by Antenna Wilde February 14, 2008

19๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

pencil jockeying

when an overpaid lawyer deliberately manipulates paperwork so that a client is dismissed of his/her charges and walks away from a situation that they were guilty of.

Can you believe all the pencil jockeying that goes on in the american judicial system today?

by Mickey Darling August 5, 2009

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mop jockey

n. Person, most commonly hispanic males, that decided to persue the Custodial Arts as their career of choice. See also janitor or squeegee master.

We all want to graduate from high school so we don't have to become mop jockeys or jizz moppers.

by Birdielin14 August 21, 2006

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knob jockey

Meaning 1.
A Homosexual man that rides the knob/head of the penis to minimize penetration/painfulness during anal intercourse.

Meaning 2.
A anal retentive (tight assed) person that won't do a friend a small favour. The payout factor is that usually during sex the entire penis (shaft and knob) penetrates or is riden. This meaning suggests that via being a knob jockey and not a cock jockey that they are not giving the other party the satisfaction of riding the entire shaft rather than just the knob. Somewhat of a bastard.

Example 1.

Dude, I heard Rodney is a knob jockey.

Example 2.

Frances, fuck that man is so tight with is cash. Fucking knob jokcey.

by TROYum May 4, 2005

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