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Busty Kermit

A term referring to someone, usually a zesty aesthetically challenged female, that enjoys pegging. Busty Kermit's are typically found in the wild as alt girls, e girls,

"POV Busty Kermit in matteos room begging to peg him for free val carry in comp"

by The Captain of the Rocks December 9, 2022

leap kermit

see leap frog

Me and my friends are going to play Leap Kermit.

by wolfe4321234 February 20, 2010

Kermit With An AK-47

Its a sentence that only GigaChads and wise people use, it is a sing of peace, and union between people and memes, if you use this be proud of yourself, you are a certified Gigachad and a Madman.

So long, nerds.

-Hello bro, Kermit With An AK-47.
-Oh hi, Kermit With An AK-47, I see you are also a distinguished gentlemen, my chad brother.

by Luan0 July 13, 2022

Kermit flap

The condition of having additional skin draping above one’s asshole similar to or the male equivalent of the females meat curtain Also known by its slang names trampoline man hole cover or dirty mud flap also known as the Flying squirrel. Stinky mole hill blanket ,dirty sheet uncle skeeters apple fritter.

Yo bitch come over here and gnaw the carpet burn scabs off my Kermit flaps while u juggle my balls ho!

by Splooter Mcgavin June 27, 2022