The foul and seldom appropriate act of a lady projectionally eliminating the contents of her colon in a semi circular and or oscillating movement. In most cases an unsolicited or innocent bystander being the final disposition of it's new owner. Leaving them, usually him or them covered in the concentrated evil excrement and questioning their life decisions.
The shameless Oklahoma stripper enters into her finally rally and has an unexpected bowl movement( more than likely due to a bad oyster from golden corral) while spinning down the pole. It spraying the enthusiastic club goers just like an old time yard sprinkler. "The dirty sprinkler"
when someone is secret agent style clinging to the roof and get the case of the liquid shits and it sprays down on the people below
i was sneaking into 7 eleven and i accidentally gave the store worker the case of the old shit sprinkler
When 12 men each of different skin color complexions form in a circle around you and ejaculate in your face
"Bro, last week, I tagged along in a Color Wheel Sprinkler, and let me tell you, it was refreshing and made my skin more clear!"
"I just knew you were gay."
Someone who constantly needs to urinate while drinking cider.
Paddy "Yeah hold my strongbow will you mate, i need to use the loo again"
Mark "You cider sprinkler"
Paddy "Actually nevermind mate i'm all done"
The action of your sprinklers when they water your lawn. Also may be, the splash of the water from the sprinklers hitting the lawn and surrounding yard art. Aka Grass Wetting.
Is it raining?
-No, its just sprinklering.
When 2 grandmas are scissoring each other and squirting all over the place
I went into my grandma’s room and she was performing a wrinkle sprinkler with my other grandma.
When the act of 2 lesbians having fun, one takes the crabs bend position, whilst the other licks her lady garden until ejaculation, hence the sprinkler, ps happy pride
Oh fuck, you wanted to see the rainbow arch sprinkler I gave her last night, she was soaked