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paint the town red

..and green

..and blue

..and yellow

..and orange

..and pink

..and purple

through the manner of vomiting

"this tastes like barf!!"

by alyssa69gaming2011 February 19, 2023

Barf Burrito

A sleeping bag which has been vomited in. Sleeping in it is optional.

Dude... someone totally barf burritoed that sleeping bag.

by Tucker Fourchanitlee February 11, 2011

Inadvertent Tacticle Barf

A tacticle barf that you don't initiate on purpose but actually comes at exactly the right time, such that you can continue drinking afterwards.

Rick is in the restroom. He wanted to take a dump but it turned into an inadvertent tacticle barf.

by tomsal June 16, 2024

jargon barf

The words spewed out at many business meetings and presentations where lots of speaking occurs but no ideas or concepts are actually communicated.

Let's make a drinking game out of the jargon barf coming out of this presentation.

by handle&&7 December 19, 2018

dick barf

when you cum all the sudden, like random barf

i had dick barf

by periodwithtrans February 6, 2023

wharf the barf

A remix of whart the fart. Means the same thing as what the barf but you make it rhyme.

Jake: I had a dream last night one of our friends was giving backshots to our other friend.
Lisa: Wharf the barf?

by PepeEPopo April 24, 2024

Barf on Toast

A description of something that is GAWD_AWFUL & Vomit Inducing.

"Did you see that real ugly PINK Polka Dot dress hanging on the rack at Holts?? Who'd buy it? It's utterly Barf on Toast!"

by WitchyPOO April 7, 2004