Smear Hacking, also known as Smear Stalking, is a cyber hate crime intended to destroy a persons’ life. The hacker gains access to the victims’ smart phone or similar device and tracks them everywhere they go using the devices' GPS system. They then contact friends, neighbors, coworkers, etc. and try to ruin the victim with a campaign of insults and accusations. When Hate Groups use this tactic it is often called Gang Stalking.
OMG some scumbag Smear Hacked me!
A certain person or object that fits the criteria of both Smear and Stain.
As my eyes opened on a crisp an sunny winter day, I hoisted my legs out of bed and reached out for my jelly shoes which seemed an eternity away. I then proceeded to dress myself with a sparkly orange t-shirt and a pair of stripped trousers, I grabbed my hat and shoved it over my scalp to cover my tragic haircut. I then turned the knob and walked downstairs into the kitchen, when i had reached to kitchen I was shocked to find a lack of cereal. I am a huge fan of muesli and especially enjoy the muesli they sell in co-op as it has a nice crunch to it . Sadly all we had in the house was Crunchy Nut, to add to my misery in addition to not having muesli we had no semi skimmed milk only soya milk which is not refreshing and tastes a bit like a Smear Stain.
A new type of sex act where one takes his cock after anal and smears a smily face on the recipients ass cheeks
Yo i gave nicole such a fecal smear last night, that girl needs to lay off the taco bell for awhile. There was such much shit i could have made a shit rainbow on her back
A coochie smear is, in loose terms, a smeared gastropod. The name is most often applied to land coochie smears, terrestrial pulmonate gastropod molluscs. However, the common name coochie smear is also used for most of the members of the molluscan class Gastropoda that have a coiled smear that is large enough for the animal to retract completely into. When the word "coochie smear" is used in this most general sense, it includes not just land coochie smear but also numerous species of sea coochie smears and freshwater coochie smears. Gastropods that naturally lack a smear, or have only an internal smear, are mostly called coochie SHmears, and land coochie smears that have only a very small smear are often called semi-coochie smear.
get that coochie smear, get that coochie bread, then leave. PEACE OUT.
The act of dragging your ass crack down a person's nose while they sleep. This is best after you get done working out that way you are soggy af. When they wake up they will wonder why everything smells like shit and why their nose is so sticky.
victim: Why the fuck does everything in my damn house smell like shit!
me: Someone at the party gave you a Night Smear last night after you passed out.
victim: I'm going to kill those motherfuckers!
(1) A public sullying of an innocent dude's name/reputation by falsely claiming that he is the father of your love-baby.
(2) A drop of blood or a cheek-swabbing that's applied to a glass lab-specimen-slide in preparation for a paternity-test. Often a follow-up action that's prompted by Definition #1.
A sneaky new way for a crooked doctor to generate extra income during "slow periods of business" is to solicit one or more local unwed mothers to involve a fairly-well-off bachelor in a Pap smear, so that said unfortunate dude will be obliged to hire said doctor to perform a paternity-test to clear his name.