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Lol stands for “laugh out loud”. The word is most commonly used in text messaging among kids and teenagers. They use this word when they find something to be funny or humorous.

Lol that was so funny!

Lol I can’t belive that happened today! It was hilarious!

by 💞💖🤪 December 1, 2018


(literally overly lactating) This is a new type of slang used by youngins to describe how much they are lactating

Hey Josh, did you hear that Brian is Lol?

Really? that sucks.

by Moosecakemuncher May 5, 2022


Lots of Love

Usually known as "laughing out loud" but can be multiple things, and this just happens to be one of them.

babe, i want to show you lol next time i see you

by JDMN April 17, 2011


A thing people say that means laugh out loud. Said usually when you’re totally not laughing at all and maybe just kind of smirked a little bit.

Lost my wallet at the bar last night lol.

“How is that funny?”
Huh? It’s not.

“But you said ‘lol’ “

by TheAlwaysCorrect1 January 8, 2023


Means Laughing out loud (LaughingOutLoud)

(someone says a joke)
(the person types after:

by Definer is me May 11, 2022


just a dumb thing people type/text meaning "laughing out loud" or "laugh out loud" when they still have a straight face on.

Average teenager 1: I think I just farted
Average teenager 2: LOL
Average teenager 1: u rly laughing
Average teenager 2: well.. not rly.

by Jam! December 12, 2013




by 1234567ago October 29, 2021