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man A - What does lol means?
Man B - hahahaha

by Not ur Bruh November 28, 2021


1. League Of Legends

2. Laugh Out Loud

LOL. That is funny.

by Siva Jyothi Mani April 13, 2021


Lots of love

My grandma died. LOL

by Pseudolol September 12, 2018


Laugh loud or out loud

I when I saw that photo I replied lol

by mammakatz March 18, 2015


Laugh Out Loud

Guy 1: Imagine a chicken with two heads

Guy 2: LOL

by YamGirl October 31, 2009


1. Lack of Laughter

2. Laugh out Loud (not paying attention)

1. Friend: Want to hear a funny joke?

Me: Eh. sure.

Friend: What's the difference between bird flu and swine flu?
If you have bird flu, you need tweetment. If you have swine flu, you need oink-ment.

Me: lol (thinking "go die")

Friend: Haha see, that was so corny i could eat it! Haha

2. Friend: I had to have my penis removed

Me: lol

Friend: I'm so sad, what shud i do?

Me: lol

by Pseudonym101lol April 17, 2011


Lol is a term of slang used online as a form of expressing a laughing feeling.

Lol that is so funny.

by Robnew October 27, 2017