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Abbreviation for "lick our lillies"

Lillies of course are referring to vaginas.
Used mainly by people with down syndrome who dont understand fucking anything.

"Hey jim what's up!" "Oh nothing much. Just LOLing my girl" *jim of course doesnt have a girlfriend bc hes fucking retarded*

by YouDontKnoMe_ October 4, 2019


Means "laugh out loud" but 99% of the time the person who said it is probably not smiling, or they are even pissed off.

Boy: hey let's go have some fun tonight. You have nothing better to do with your life lol
Girl: hey u asshole. Wtf do u mean!! go die you worthless douche!

*She then later hits him with her car*

by blondesftw May 6, 2014


Lol means ‘laugh out loud’ but over text you just say it, your rarely ever laughing.

Person 1: *sends unfunny meme* “HAHAHAHA ISN'T THIS FUNNY HAHAHAHA”
Person 2: *texts back* “lol”
Person 2 in real life: “so annoying”

by Cinder Grass April 13, 2021


Is a word used for laughing and joking, also it means "lots of love" so when one of your family members dies you have to say lol to show how much you love them :)

Person 2: lol
Person 3: what's funny?
Petson1: it's lol dude so you have to go along with it and laugh
Person 3: ok... Har Har Har Har Har

by Dudestopyousuck11 October 22, 2020


lol means laugh out loud, but it is so overused and all of these 12vie thots are using it it is the most fucking annoying word I have ever heard

Girl 1:lol he so cute
Girl 2: stfu dumb bitch dont ever say lol again

by jimmy the speed dealer June 17, 2018


lots of love

“did your grandma die? sending you lol

by haiakabsdkaka November 24, 2021


Laugh out loud

I lol all day

by Choirtheway April 7, 2018