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A fancy way of saying you dont have a father

Son: I'm dreamsexual

by DreamStansAreCringe January 21, 2022


a non-valid sexuality made by cringy 13-year-olds who "stan" the famous youtuber/twitch streamer, Dream

Dream stan: I'm dreamsexual
People w good sense: I hate you

by i don't live in iceland May 31, 2022


a sexuality to someone you dont even know
stfu dtay 2134325435345332534 miles away from me stop simping for gay as hell dream

dreamsexual isnt valid bitches

by gachakidslayer123 August 6, 2022


Someone who is a Dreamsexual is someone without a life and is a little crazy.

George is Dreamsexual

by Ding dong viking 42069 August 8, 2022


A sexuality for people who are attracted to or feel a strong connection to the Minecraft content creator Dream.

(please note that the creator of this definition is not and doesn't support those who are dreamsexual)

Not to be confused with the other type of dreamsexual (which is real), when someone only feels sexual attraction in dreams, but rarely or none when awake, and is on the asexual spectrum.

Person 1: hey, how are you doing?
Person 2: good! I just recently found out that I was dreamsexual!
Person 1: wait. what?!?!?!
Person 2: yeah! I love him so much!
Person 1: oh no way bro *slowly walks back and runs away*

by SummerDaisyy June 10, 2022


1: a disgrace of humanity
2: someone who is only sexually attracted to people in their dreams

1: guy: I'm dreamsexual
other guy: go f**k yourself
2: guy: I'm dreamsexual
other guy: oh, cool.

by notessayharperipromise March 25, 2022


Someone who can't take that there not apart of the lgbtqia+ so they use there favorite YouTuber as a sexuality

Emily : I'm dreamsexual!
Hannah : your not real your just disrespectful to the lgbtqia+
Emily : how dare you your dreamphobic!

Hannah : shut up.

by -$l33py-m0øn- June 30, 2022