One of the most beautiful persons inside and out you will ever meet. She is caring, sweet and gives the best hugs. They are also funny and usually make dry and sarcastic jokes. If you ever stumble upon someone like her, never ever let them go. They may seem shy at first but once she lets you get to know her she is the most gentle loving person.
They can be very insecure at times. She can struggle with mental health problems but she usually suffers alone. Once they are ready she will step out into the world again. Regularly check up on them because she deserves it. She usually hides it because they arent used to people seeing how she is doing. If you want to help her, ask her first what you can do. And when they dont know just let her know you will be there for her whenever she needs it.
Take good care of people like them, she deserves it. Also give them space when she needs it.
Roos has a mesmerising smile that can change your whole day. Just by seeing her you will ultimately fall in love with her/ have a better day. When their eyes meet yours you know there is no comming back.
She usually loves all kinds off touch, hugs from behind, spooning, little forehead kisses. Give them to her.
Once you get to know a roos, give her the world. give them the love and attention she deserves.
Whenever a roos is your friend, partner, family member or colleague keep her close. never let her go.
'is that roos?'
'yes, she is the most loving person you will ever meet'
'i cant wait to get to know her'
a very intelligent and creative person
find yourself someone like roos, they are one of the best persons out there
Roos is a very smart person. She is the best person to walk this earth. You Will never find someone like her. She is a badass, you better not mess with her. She is always right and will always win the argument. Roos is funny and crazy. She is also very kind but if you cross her wrong, you Will wish you never met her.
Boy: “ look at that girl”
Boy 2: “wow she looks so amazing and badass”
Boy 3: “ she must be a roos”
A cute sounding name. Roo is typically a gender-neutral name. Parents who name their child Roo are very unique, and those who choose this as their name are very fun personalities. Roo is a generally lighthearted and kind person, and they are a very talented/ creative individual. They make life interesting, so having a Roo as a friend is always a party.
"Roo is very hyper, did they have too much caffeine?"
A woman without equal. The most intelligent person in the room. Witty, hilarious, creative, wise, good-humoured and stunningly beautiful. An artist. The best egg. A pillar of good vibes and her laugh will instantly lift your spirits. She’s also a pervert
“What’s that woman doing to Jar Jar?”
“That’s Roos, she’s really amazing, I say leave her to it, she’s earned it”
Usually dark haired and dark eyed. A Roos is a person who is daring, fun loving and extremely active. Though she may come off as snobby, she is truly just shy with people and takes her time getting to know someone but if she likes you then she will be the best friend you could ever have. Knowing a Roos is a blessing in your life because once you get her out of her shell, she is a sweet, loving and caring person. Never doubt a Roos’ trust because no matter what, she always has your back. Roos is the type of person who is impossible not to envy. With her perfection and sweet ways. She just has that X factor you dont find in any other girls! A really loving girlfriend who you could bring home to met your mother!(usually your whole family will fall in love with her then too) , she just has that effect on people, and she will always put a smile on your face no matter what mood your in!. No stranger to advances from men/women as there is usually a queue lined up trying to get to her, her sexual energy is unreal/amazing so you can understand why this is!! She is completely faithful and honest the best girlfriend/wife you could ask for. Usually dont give second chances so dont piss her off!!
All in all a remarkably beautiful individual inside and out!!
That girl is so nice! She must be a Roos!
Random man:(Q)That girl is the most beautiful/sexy/amazing/gorgeous person i have ever seen who is she???
Roos’ friend: Oh thats my friend Roos, something special isnt she!!