Finished with life. Usually said by someone who is planning on floating away into the dream world.
Person 1: Bye guys, I'm done with reality!
Person 2: Okay, bye!
The war fought in a series of ongoing battles between society's most powerful entities as they endeavor to convince as many people as possible to accept their version of reality and think, feel, and act accordingly.
Reality is essentially what is accepted as existing, in other words, "what is." To convince others to believe that reality is what they say it is, religious organizations, governments, corporations, mass media outlets, universities, writers, intellectuals, artists, musicians, singers and other performers, scientists, and the masses all engage in the Reality War in as best their money and other resources permit.
There are personal, past, present, proposed, debunked, fraudulent, altruistic, positive, negative, imagined, factual, fictitious, and many other types of realities.
Some realities are more extensive and complex, and it is generally impossible to conclusively prove whether a reality is true or false.
The first reality to exist was and is the Original Reality and those who believe God created everything accept it as the one true reality, undistorted by the now almost ubiquitous overt, covert, or subliminal messages to the contrary.
When you tell a whopper of a lie with the expectation that people will believe a part of it. Similar to how things work in the real estate industry where someone who is trying to sell a property for $1 million will set a $1.2 million asking price. A politician might tell you that 4 US embassies are about to be attacked. Although no US embassies might be at risk, by lying and saying that 4 embassies were about to be attacked, you might walk away thinking that at least one embassy was at risk.
One person on the left will say 0 embassies were at risk and the other will say 4 were at risk, so you end up thinking that an embassy was at risk because 1 is between 0 and 4.
The fact that we believe even a kernel of what Trump says is negotiated reality.
Someone too stupid to tell what's real and what's not.
Someone who believes everything is factual that they see on reality TV shows.
Someone who believes what they see on History Channel is fake and E! is real.
A person of low intelligence who lives in a fantasy world.
My reality retard sister can't get enough of the reality shows.
A show people who can't cut it on any other show should try out for.
Dude, I think they're auditioning for Reality Rejects - maybe you'd have a shot there with those horrible dance moves...
An insertion that reality has been rewritten and all that you know remains, but how reality responds to it does not.
"I dont Nut in White Women No Mo', reality was rewrote."
Promises by women: "Oh okay."
Reality, but in virtual. Yeah, you're welcome.
Person 1: Wanna do some VR?
Person 2: What's VR?
Person 1: Virtual reality.
Person 2: What's that.
Person 1: You're a fucking idiot.