A 1000+ foot ego, 1300 foot if you count the antennae.
Jefe has been playing up to Alan's skyscraper ego, but Alan hasn't noticed since his head is in the clouds.
The often over inflated self confidence that accompanies going to the gym regularly. Were someone to be overly confident about their actual size or disillusioned as to their stature as a result of doing excercise, to the point of arrogance, then they would have an gymflated ego.
Bro 1: Hey brah, why is that weedy guy wearing a wife beater??
Bro 2: Well ever since he started going to the gym loads he thinks he's hench. Weird right??
Bro 1:yeah well, that guy has an Gymflated Ego .
Convincing someone to do something via preemptively saying you will best them. Thus making there ego make them do it to beat you.
"Yo, you dont even have to play I know I'd already beat you in for honor."
"Bro, i would beat you idk what you mean, but I'm not gonna let you keep ego blasting me into doing it, goodnight."
a highly skilled sports player who gets whiny and/or chippy when opposing players do not bow to their amazing skills
Scardino is such an ego diva on the ice when people try to defend against him.
When an action takes a jab at your ego.
"She never text me me back, what an ego shot!"
Someone whose main purpose is to follow others around making them feel like they can do no wrong. See: ass kisser, toady, and sycophant. Term is derived from "fluffer" in the porn industry (a person who keeps male porn stars erect between shots).
There's no point in talking to my girlfriend about my problems. She's such an ego fluffer that she wouldn't give me constructive criticism anyway.
A typology of "friend" that is used to stoke one's ego (pun intended) on matters of moral doubt.
As a fluffer is used on pornographic sets to keep male actors aroused, an Ego Fluffer is used to make you forget of your insecurities.
- I cheated on my boyfriend yesterday, am I a bad person?
-Ego Fluffer: "OMG, of corse not! You go girl!"