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Christian Chang

When you run with your arms barely moving. Typically, your arms are making a v shape and your palms are facing the ground. Your arms then swing side to side

Watch me do this Christian Chang.

by tracknation66 November 8, 2017

Christian Ford

A well behaved young man His only role model in life is Drew Shep. Camron McCoy lives in his shadow. Gets fucking plastered off of natty lights and loves tits.

Wow, I want to be like Christian Ford when I’m drunk!

by Big Drew Shep February 14, 2021

Bore Again Christian

Someone who becomes a born again Christian and goes on about it all the time.

How's your sister?
She's become a bore again Christian. Can't wait for her to leave.

by Shuaman June 16, 2019

Sweet Tea Christian

A person or group of people that are sweet as tea on Sundays because Chick Fil A is closed.

She just a sweet tea christian, nice as pie on Sunday, but the rest of the week she will stab you in the back if you get in her way.

by Zpford01 August 3, 2021

Christian chamberlain

To get things done in a timely matter, to be a perfectionist, to be on time. To reach an assigned goal.

I'm going to christian Chamberlain these reviews,

I will christian chamberlain to 35% pro coverage.

by Christian chamberlain March 7, 2019

Christian from NYC


Christian from NYC is a very bad person

by Ebcociduhdbdhrifovuxbsbehfjfi November 14, 2020

Cafeteria Christianity

One who picks and choose what part of the bible or religion to follow or obey based on what is convenient for themselves.

Oh, I see, you're a faithful Christian lecturing me about going to church on Sunday, yet you had an affair Susan! You can't be using Cafeteria Christianity where you pick and choose what parts of the bible to follow.

by HypnotoadAZ April 16, 2020