A 40 something year old woman who ALWAYS has to tell people how it is and sometimes point out the obvious in what is wrong in a situation – no matter how big or small the issue at hand is. While some may view her as a chronic complainer or battleaxe, others may view her as giving constructive criticism to improve the situation.
While eating at a casino breakfast buffet, Gritz Lady sits down with her hot bowl of what was labeled as grits on the buffet table (she was skeptical as she ladled the porridge into her bowl to start with). Upon further examination and initial consumption of said “grits,” she loudly exclaims to her boyfriend, “These are NOT grits, this is Malt-O-Meal; I’m going to set someone straight on this.” Needless to say, the poor young man working hard to keep the buffet line wiped up spic and span got an ear full about the issue of the bait and switch regarding labeled hot grits when in reality they had filled the pot with Malt-O-Meal. (this is the very situation where the boyfriend coined the name; the stories and complaints go on and on and on...)
For legal reasons, this is not literal.
Pink lady? That stupid fucking idiot? The one stupid anime pfp person won’t shut the fuck up about? Honestly, if you use pink lady touch grass. Go outside. Make a better character. Everyday I wake up and go into the art channel and all I see is a new damned version of this pink dumbass.
Person 1) Hey, did you look in #art?
Person 2) I would but I’m scared there’s gonna be more stupid pink lady art.
Origin: Lutheran
CHERRY (and only cherry) Kool-aid mix WITH the sugar AND 1-1.5 more cups of sugar added. Often paired with Oreos.... and then Dodgeball. #PraiseJesus
You don't need alcohol or drugs, you will be flying high enough on church lady kool-aid.
Lady bangaaas is family, every girl in the group is firee💅🏽. There not players but treat them wrong and u will regret it. If u see 1 bangaaa u see the other. They also have a crazy attitude
Yooo u saw a lady bangaaa today, she looked fire
When a female is about to climax due to cunnilingus, reaches up and slaps her partner across the face, then proceeds to climax on said face.
Watch out for that chick, she'll give you a pink lady in a shot glass!
A woman who has a reputation for knowing everything about insects and other small creatures.
She's obsessed with Mantises and Cockroaches, and isn't grossed out by something crawling on her in the slightest.
"How did she know all those facts about Millipedes?"
"Don't you know? She's the Bug Lady."