A retard is someone that pee's on their living room floor because they got someone they wanted on a game.
"this retard fucking peed on the fucking floor"
Someone who Flys to Germany and gets no Alpha
Z flew to Germany and is a retard
1.A person who thinks slow and can't talk really good and it's stupid! Not funny
2.A person who has a hairstyle of a "footballer" and thinks only for Clash Royale,FIFA and football.He also make fun of how long is your hair or if your a male and wear pink clothes.They are normally from 7 to 13 years old Watch your back they will waste your life
Retard:Hey you play Clash Royale?
Me:Nope,This game sucks
Retard:What arena are you?
Me:I just said that I don't play this cancer!!
Retard:Well you are a fucking idiot faggot bitch with long hair
Me:Yeah ok idgaf go away
an offensive word used to explain that someone's stupid or doing something dumb. It can be widely viewed as a slur, as it used to be used to degrade those with disabilities. It should not be a commonly used word anymore.
P1: Dude you just killed Orange on cams! You retard!
P2: Bro stop using that word it's offensive as fuck
The kid who likes to eat popcorn on the bus and steal stuff
“Hey, it’s that Retard stealing my diamonds again”