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hotdog mama

A skinny guy who enjoys sleeping in the flaps or folds of a very fat woman.

Dave loves sleeping with the mother in law, he loves the hotdog mama

by AGnumbnuts November 22, 2011

mama plateau

The Mother of Everyone. The most Crazy bitch you'll ever meet. DON'T FUCK WITH HER CHILDREN OR HEr

Yeah that's Mama Plateau and her children Larry, Alfie, Steven, and Joshua. And her On again of again boyfriend and maker of hentai Amy

by MamaPlateau December 30, 2015


Milf basically

Wow your mom is a b1g._.mama

by ifyouracutegirlhaveaniceday March 16, 2021

joe mama

a joke used my genz

"Yo have you seen Joe?"
"Whos Joe?"

by ur fav moot June 16, 2021

Mama Secreta

name to the fluids released when the fetus bursts through the vagina after birth, eg. the secretions that occur when one becomes a mother

"Damn Mama Secreta, you just had a baby"
"Aw shit, I got your Mama Secretions all over my hand"
"The host of American Idol (Ryan Mama Secrecrest)"

by studmuffbumbum4 November 14, 2011

tvoje mama

An amazing and unique joke, that translates to "your mom"
This could be used for anything.

"Kolik je hodin?"
"tvoje mama!"

In translation:
"What time is it?"
"Your mom."

by Joe the Biden November 21, 2021

puff mama

Mrs. Puff's jail name

Donna: Hey Puff Mama, what's today's grub?
Mrs. Puff: Hi Donna, chili, same as always.

by Puff madre December 13, 2016