When you club so hard you can't feel your toes a full 24 - 48 hrs after raging. Some of the time due to the shoes you're wearing but mostly because of going too cray cray. If raging becomes frequent, your toes could develop a chronic habit of feeling numb to the point when they fall off. Most commonly found where alcohol and EDM are abundant.
Last time I went to Vegas with Penny, she developed such a bad case of rage toe she couldn't feel her toes a full 2 days after. No matter how much she iced them or put them in hot water, they wouldn't come back to life. Moral of the story : rage on!
This is rage brought on by all things snow storm related. It could occur while driving in snow, shoveling the snow, digging your car out from the snow, or not having the proper tools to deal with the snow.
Johnny: I left my snow shovel by the garage and now its missing. Turns out my next door neighbor took it without asking and never brought it back! Now I'm really pissed!
Mark: Calm down. Don't let the snow rage get to you!
Johnny: I'm going to use my snow blower and blow all this snow on her driveway she just shoveled!
Aggressive or violent behavior exhibited by a shopper in an aisle, often as a manifestation of stress and frustration towards another shopper's ignorance. Walmart's equivalent of "road rage".
Act of expressing "aisle rage". (aisle raging)
That dude knocked him out because of aisle rage!!!!
I was aisle raging so bad last night at Walmart because it was full of idiots!!!!
Similar to road rage, but usually happens when walking around in a public place where rules of the road don't apply
While walking in the mall i experienced walk rage. I was trying to get around this slow person, but i couldn't pass them. Causing me to want to yell obscenities at them.
When someone wakes up from a long, restless nap and gets pissed off at everything, often swearing and throwing pillows at other humans. That someone has nappers rage.
(Samwise gets pissed at Malcolm after a restless nap)
Malcolm: "Samwise calm down, man, you have you have nappers rage"
Samwise: "No I f***ing don't!" (violently throws pillow at Malcolm)
When someone who is normally calm and relaxed suddenly and often shockingly gets very upset. The result is often a shocked, confused and very frightened group of people.
While normally calm, the sudden shay-rage she produced was terrifying.
He is usually so calm and soothing, but his shay-rage last night scared the shit out of me.
to get drunk in a college dorm and stumble around it belligerently.
Zach and Steve dorm raged so hard last night Zach passed out and Steve almost came down with crabs.