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An imaginary person who supposedly created the world. Most people only believe in it because of what their parents, teachers, etc told them. Most people who believe in god are stupid and ignorant and believe whatever people tells them.
It is a part of most religions, all of which are bullshit. Most of these bs religions have one or more big books and missionaries and stuff to get other people to believe them.
Most people waste their time going to church or w/e every week.
Most churches or w/e mug their ppl for money.
Most have some version of hell that they threaten and scare people into believing in their religion.
Most ask their ppl to "have faith", because they know their religion is bull and their is no proof.
And there are many other excuses used to patch up holes, or things that ppl cant explain, in these BS religions.
Most people claim to have seen visions or crap associated with their religion, but they were probably in some mental state, such as being on an LSD trip or sick and desperate, or are simply lying for whatever reason.
Most religions have people have random good things happening to them, such as suddenly being cured of an illness, and associate them as miracles from their god. This is because these miracles are just flukes with a 1/1,000,000,000 chance and people will use their religion to explain it because they are too stupid to come up with a good explanation, just like those primitive peoples we came from did when making up stories about god and religion.
In short, there is no god and you only believe in it because of what others tell you.

Priest: Believe in god, your salvation, or whatever!
Sensible, smart person: *slap slap slap*
Priest: You will go to hell!
Sensible, smart person: *removes the priest from his property forcefully* Wheres your god now?!

by Someone_abcdefg September 13, 2007

131๐Ÿ‘ 148๐Ÿ‘Ž


God does not exist. In order for a god to exist positive evidence would have to be given, becuase DISproving the existence of anything is impossible. When the religious zealots like scuba steve ask you to "prove god does not exist" this is a ludicrous statement because the person who makes the POSITIVE statement bears the burden of proof. The naysayer bears no burden other than that he must change his opinion if given hard positive evidence.

Those of you who believe in god are being taken for a ride by greedy con men.

by Kwomo Researcher May 9, 2003

108๐Ÿ‘ 121๐Ÿ‘Ž


A guy who gives you no evidence that he exists BUT will let you burn forever and ever and ever if you don't believe in him.

Example 1:

Jimmy : OH MY GOD
God : Jimmy! I'm gonna stuff fire up your rectum until you burn forever and ever and ever....and ever.

Example 2:

God : D=

by dat what she said August 7, 2009

67๐Ÿ‘ 70๐Ÿ‘Ž


something i want to believe in, yet can't seem to bring myself to believing in something i can't see, touch or feel. if there is a hell, i fear it greatly, but i can't bring myself to believing when the definition of faith is "believing without understanding" yet there is a 1700 page book (the catechism) devoted to inferences made in the bible. please email me.

i have no example

by iamstu1442 December 22, 2003

85๐Ÿ‘ 93๐Ÿ‘Ž


Basically the exact same thing as greek mythology, but for some reason people accept it as the truth and shrug off mythology claiming it's ridiculous. God is also a way for people to explain the unexplainable... until science makes it look like a stupid childrens story.

Mom- "Human sin came about when a snake told Eve to eat an apple off this tree and she would be all-knowing."
Kid- "I beg your pardon?"

Mom- "One time, Jesus cured a blind man by putting mud on his face."
Kid- "I beg your pardon?"

Mom- "God didn't like the world he created it so he asked a 900 year old man named Noah to build a boat to fit all the animals on it. And then it rained for forty days and nights and then the rain evaporated and they lived happily ever after. Not only that, but when the animals started fucking each other, the next generations magically weren't mutated even though they were fucking each others brothers and sisters!"
Kid- "I beg your pardon?"

by S.N.D. September 26, 2007

89๐Ÿ‘ 98๐Ÿ‘Ž


Creator of all things great and small.

If God lived on Earth, his windows would get broken.

by chroshizzle November 8, 2006

89๐Ÿ‘ 98๐Ÿ‘Ž


Apparently the almmighty being of the Universe, but why is it a GUY? Wanna know why? Because the people who wrote the bible were guys. End of story.

Man, I talked to God the other day, and she is PISSED.

by Leolani June 18, 2004

93๐Ÿ‘ 103๐Ÿ‘Ž