When you pee into your own mouth without missing a drop!
I remember the thing about Freddy
Krueger is that as a joke he used to
come into a room when you have a lot of
friends over and piss him to his own
mouth without spilling a drop that was
Fred Kruger's move I mean guys
freak Show
but I mean hey who am I to judge right
to each his own
he wants to get the Pelican mouthful
that's what you called it
you love pelicans so much that your last name is pelican
you are such a james charles pelican!
the flabby-flapping underarm of an older woman
holy crap look at the pelican waddle on that broad!
When you get shit on your nose after eating a girls pussy.
After going down on Sarah, she looked and me and said “You’ve got a Rusty Pelican!!!”
Shut your mouth, you foolish person (whose mouth is much bigger than their brain)
You wouldn't know your arse from an anthole. Neck up, ya pelican!
When your breath smells like shit or garbage
Jesus that William wood has pelican breath
When your having intercourse with a girl on the beach and you take thy penis out and dip it in the sand then reinsert into the vaginal cavity.
I busted out the ole pelican dip with Sarah with an H