Bilily baxter is a wannabe roadmap who probably gets sexually abused by his father which results in his need to fake his personality. He tries to intimidate you by staring into your soul but his Zika virus head will block out the sun making is head look like a melting Malteser. He rides his shitty mountain bike around doddington playing shitty music whilst and pulling out in front of cars. The residents of the village often complain and hope to see him one day get hit by a car and see his head explode which is the only known cure for the Zika virus.
Billy Baxter- what you looking at blud. Man will get cunt slack on ya'
The billy sharp rumour, refers to Bradford city fans and fake ‘in the knows’ creating the transfer rumour of Sheffield United striker billy sharp joining Bradford city, a common site on social media throughout the transfer window, this transfer has never gone through, and probably never will.
‘The billy sharp rumour: Billy sharp to Bradford is a done deal!’
to become horribly cross-eyed ergo you cannot comprehend what is going on.
"That movie was so bad it made me billy-eyed!"
"I don't know what they were saying, it was all billy-eyed"
"That chick was so fine I got all billy-eyed and didn't get a date"
"$15 for a beer? That place is billy-eyed"
The all powerful 5 year old god who loves lollipops and has an accent. Also stop stealing my ideas Noam.
Billy Bob is the nickname you give the butt or the kid you're picking on. For example↓
Junior: hey, where'd Billy Bob go?
Julian: oh, that idjit? he had to go to the ER two hours ago
Junior: y'all got 'em that hard, didn't cha?
A fisherman (usually exclusively a shore fisherman) who keeps every fish he catches, every time. Especially snagged 29 inch walleyes. Usually complains about fancy boats.
“We can’t have any good fishing around here because of all these damn Billy Bobs”
Probably THE most overused protagonist name in indie games.
Guy 1: Hey bro, I'm making a game!
Guy 2: Cool, what's it about?
Guy 1: This guy named Billy Bob who's-
Guy 2: Change that name.