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Smut Social

A group of people that gather, talk, hang out, socially open minded to erratically explicit, sexual content to partake in

I can't wait to go to another smut social
I learned so much about my sexuality

by DV WAM February 12, 2023

social lemming

Doing something because everyone else is doing it, no matter how stupid

Sara is such a social lemming

by Ms 82 September 13, 2017

Antisocial social club

Clothing line used by antifa to identify each other on the street. Not unlike the hanky code used by San Fran gays, or antifash Twitter rose emojis used for rose city antifa.

You: yo so edgy "antisocial social club spells ass club!"

Them: *stares at you antisocially*

by Afashspy December 24, 2021

social orchid

An ecletic type of confidan. This type of socialite is well known as renowned and with culture. Usually a social orchid is held among the highest esteem, and never demands respect, but always is treated with such.

Larry: Jane is the epitome of a social orchid.
John: She stunning and exudes so much confidence.
Larry: 10 10 10

John: 10 out 8.
Larry: Shes so over the top.

John: Future Model, Executive, and Socialite.

by SsTtUu April 9, 2011

Social Mechanics

The Art of Becoming a Cyborg through the relationship of logic and Legal Paralegal writings

Spock said “Social Mechanics”is his only writings

by TheHangMan December 16, 2024

Social Social-Distancing

Someone who acts COVID woke by pretending to self-isolate and follow CDC guidelines in front of friends and family only to rip off their mask and lick a door handle as soon as your back is turned.

Saturday they were social social-distancing with about 100 strangers at a wedding so I'd stay the fuck away from them.

by Evolved guppy September 11, 2020

Social Contact Hangover

(Noun) A condition which primarily affects Neurodivergents, most often Autistics and ADHDers.
It results from prolonged exposure to social behavior in quantities that tend to exceed their normal tolerance level.
Most commonly occurring around major holidays.
Symptoms include lethargy. withdrawal, and hyper-focusing on tasks which the individual finds calming and/or distracting, all in an attempt to recharge their "Shields" or "Bubbles", essentially reclaiming the buffer zone they construct in order to deal with the world at large

"Seriously, I love my family. But after the Christmas Party last night I am totally bea and have Social Contact Hangover. I'm going to grab a Monster, turn off the lights, and binge every episode of Scrubs today."

by Uncle McFlirty December 26, 2023