an echolalia of mine. more specifically, a meme that is dank, but not yet and must increase in dankness.
i made a half-baked meme and i will ensure that it gets danker over time.
ruins meme's, makes trash instead of quality cut meme's.
Ben is a meme destroyer because he is a pleb.
A race of people whom enjoy memes and have a spicy life style. Meme people do things in a funny way. There are different types of meme people that could change the representation of someone’s place in life.
Meme dads be like...
Meme moms be like...
I made meme soup
Meme kids be like...
Lemme blast some noobs
These are some of the types of meme people out there.
When someone posts a popular meme, people will repost it a lot for views and likes.
Wow! This meme looks so cool! I'm gonna repost it so I can get views and likes like it did!
"meme milking"
A meme that gains popularity fast and loses interest just as quickly.
"Did you see this picture if Marty McFly staring at an iPhone looking awkward?"
"It's 2016 already. That was a firecracker meme."
a specific group of memes that, for no particular reason, makes you think of njegos
njegos meme njegos meme
someone who is so fricking dumb they can't even crop memes right
It is used in memes that are cropped correctly to insult this type of moron
Me looking at dank memes: This guy is definitely my No.1 someone who crops memes wrong omfg they are so fricking dumb
i cant even read this dang meme