Source Code

Have fun, jokesters

A funny short sentence.

Guy number one: What does the "HFJ" in Cheesy HFJ's name stand for?
Guy number two: Have fun, jokesters.

by Itz KittyPinkiez May 29, 2024

Can I have a box of smarties?

What Canadians say to tease Americans

Canadian: Can I have a box of smarties?

by it's about drive it's about... November 12, 2021

Oh thats right you cant even produce come to because you have a push

Oh thats right you cant even produce come to because you have a push

Oh thats right you cant even produce come to because you have a push

by SwwSSWswWWswS April 9, 2023

Have kittens

feel really tense or angry.

When Sarah realized she left her phone on the bus, she thought she might have kittens.

by Arminkshipper July 11, 2024

What have you

and/or anything else similar.

"for a binder try soup, gravy, cream, or what have you"

by Arminkshipper August 6, 2024

Having a Cooney

when one is having a particular shite game of cod

im Having a Cooney today

by TANK031193 August 29, 2011

Have sex with your ex

November 8th.

Hey, Rebecca.

Hey, Ethan.

Do you know what day it is?

Know what day is it

Have sex with your ex day can fuck me?

by You're welcome 69 November 8, 2022

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