its an overused dead meme wich was never be funny or will be
woah Woah W o a h W O A H *WOAH* *W O A H*
examples for the woah meme
woah is an expression of excity, fear and heart ache
an expression to coincide with something truly bad or egregious
did you hear that 7th grade band?? Their music was too hard!! It sounded like “woah fuck”
"yo that frost? she kinda bad doe"
"woah there bud"
Invented by Jared Mchugh in 1993, a term used often in modern films, but only exists from that year on. Any old accounts of the term are false
Oh shit ride wit me just came on, woah Nelly!
When you're taken aback by nudes by bae. And the only response suitavke is woah nelly
Those nudes got my engine revvin'
'Woah Nelly!'
Extreamly gay male whos part of a nazi group.
Hey look its hannah(woah) he must be very gay
When you try to act funny by saying the word woman in a stupid way
Josh: Hey girls! If one of you marry me you'll be a true woah-man!
Girls: Stfu please.