1. When Highschool/College athletes can't stop transferring, usually because he is unsatisfied with the sports program.
2. When Multiple athletes transfer schools in a short period of time.
1. Kevin was bit by the transfer bug freshman year... ever since has been to three schools.
2. Transfer Bug has been busy a West high, as four of their top recruits have left the school in 2019
This happens when a person or animal has a body oder that transfers to the fabric that they were touching.
I can still smell Jimmy's oder transfer on that chair from when he planted that stinkin fart into the cushion. Pass me the febreze.
Similar to a Metro tank transfer, however one seemingly straight male is unable to exchange fluids with another seemingly straight male due to gis testicles being removed.
Bro came over after work for a city tank transfer but his tank was empty...
The person in the middle position of a three person threesome. To achieve the status of Lucky Pierre they must be both penetrated by the person behind them and penetrating the person in front of them simultaneously.
This is an exclusively homosexual act performed by three members of "team gay". A gay couple invite a third person ino the mix. One mans penis is larger than the other and gets all the attention, the small guy leaves.
New guy Draymon caught they eye of Treyvon, so invited him into the shower for a 3-way with Deyvon. Dey was lacking, Dray was packing and Trey wanted that meat-packing. Dey saw the writing on the wall, and left back-packing. It's your classic Arkansas Transfer Portal situation!
National Transfer Money to Your Son Day is celebrated every year on October 13.
Hey guys, its National Transfer Money to Your Son Day!
When you and another person have a tube from anus to anus, transferring farts into each others cavities back and forth until so much stank is accumulated that when the tube is removed and the fart is released into the air, you are paralytically high from said fumes.
!!CAUTION!! These fumes may cause death like the real Auschwitz
I nearly died last night doing an Auschwitz Transfer with my homie. Incredible high though...
An incredibly satisfying act in which you send a caller to another line, extension, location, etc. with no prior conversation with the receiving end of the transfer. Most useful for sending off callers who have no business on your specific line, and you have no desire to speak with whoever the call is being passed onto.
Some customer called our store instead of the store across the street from them, so I blind transferred the caller to the correct number. The receiving store can have fun with that.