Source Code

Winter Wonderland

When a substantial area is covered with snow, ice and frigid temperatures. Usually happens in northern areas during winter time. Don’t listen to those ratchet ass definitions involving sexual acts, life’s too short for that shameful sh@t.

Matt: Man, that cold front sure turned out neighborhood into a winter wonderland:

Zachary: Yes it did! Hell yea!!!

by Zachariah94 October 11, 2019

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winter coat

A winter coat is a beard grown to keep the face warm during cold temperatures. The more manly and grizzly the beard, the more of a winter coat it is.

Note: This dialogue is much funnier if used during spring and summer seasons.

Woman: "and why won't you shave your face you look like a caveman!"

Man: "Bitch! I already told you, it's my fucking winter coat, and I need it!"

by BreezeZilla August 21, 2007

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winter boo

A person that you kick it with and be consistent with only when its cold during the winter months. When spring comes you single again.

Its the end of summer so I need to find a WINTER BOO asap.

Its spring and my WINTER BOO still wants to see me all the time. Ugh!!!!

by Cloverfieldpoet92 March 26, 2014

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Winters Texas

Small, crappy town in Texas. It's filled with people who are small, backwards and dumb.

Sue: Whats the dumbest town in Texas?

Mary: Winters Texas is the dumbest town in Texas.

by tmg2006 June 29, 2009

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Taylor Winter

two words, Boooty Thick.

"Taylor Winter's ass man, it's booty thick."

by Donny Coff April 6, 2010

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winter chicken

any older person, long past the prime of their life

Let's go watch the half-dead winter chickens climb the steps into the Social Security building.

by StBill September 23, 2010

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Project Winter

A game where Suisei murderer 5 people in 20 seconds.

- want to play project winter
- no

by Aurorastarsky June 15, 2023