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new york

a fucking shit hole of a state

Person A: "Yo nigga have you been to new york?"
Person B "Fuck no, i dont wanna get clapped"

by hEYsHiTaSs November 9, 2020

New york


Person 1: I live in New York
Person 2: The city? Cool!
Person 1, who lives in long island: *sighs*

by Learn to play kid April 14, 2021

New York

New York is a city in the north eastern region of the United States. It is often described as a melting pot. This makes New York sound like a lot of fun. But, when you are inside the melting pot, the situation seems less pleasant. That's because you are being melted.

You can be victimized by a wide variety of cultures in New York.

by MultiFest September 30, 2017

Delaney york

She’s amazing lol

Delaney York aka chocolate milk girl is cool!!!

by Fllow me on tiktok-laundrymats May 19, 2021

duke of york

A girl who shags around ie. she's had ten thousand men, as the Duke of York did in the popular nursey rhyme.

You shagged Emma? What, you mean the grand old Duke of York?

by The Moai February 10, 2005

13πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

new york

The second worst state in the U. S., after Illinois. (Unlike Illinois, New York didn't require a three-fifths majority of both houses of its state legislature to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment.) People upstate aren't that much nicer than people in New York City. The superiority complexes on roids are infuriating. Even 90% of upstate New Yorkers have a superiority complex. It wouldn't matter for whom New Yorkers vote, because the winner would govern poorly. I am not surprised that anyone would want to crash a plane into a building within New York City, and I wouldn't be surprised by a terrorist attack upstate either. I am not surprised that cars with a New York license plate get stopped in other states because of anti-New York sentiment. If I didn't live in New York, I would rather lose a limb than go back to New York.

"I'm glad I don't live in New York anymore." Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

by New Yorker with inferiority complex January 24, 2007

66πŸ‘ 111πŸ‘Ž

new york

"Yeah right": Another Middle-American shithead who resorts to tired-out, obsolete perceptions of a great city. "Depravity and crime" might have been accurate in 1993. Not now. Maybe (s)he missed the memo of New York being the safest city in America. "Congestion?" So what?

Get informed, morons.

by yeah right is a douche June 3, 2004

41πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž