A homosexual that wears a Blue headband, and sells out on the popular streaming service, Twitch.
Hey did you watch Ninja play today?
No, I was too busy master bating to pictures of my smokin hot science teacher.
Want to go smoke some dope?
Yea sure
I’m going to start calling girls with great bodies but ugly faces “ninjas” because they always look better with their mask on.
It’s Like the covid version of “butterface”
Undercover ninja #1: Hey, did you see that butterface?
UN #2: she’s too young to be a butterface. She’s a ninja.
UN #1: why a ninja?
UN #2: because we’re in a pandemic and she looks better with her mask on.
He is the best squeaker ever for those clapped 9 year old mother fucking normies who still think Ali-A is a good meme
When you watch Ninja you always get the best 9 year old cringyness
9 year old Carl: “ Yo yo George you watch the best fortnite player ever”
9 year old George: “ Who’s that mush”
Carl: “ It’s Ninja”
George: “ Innit he is the best
A fortnite twitch streamer that reports everyone that kills him for stream sniping
Player kills ninja
Ninja goes to report them
Ninja: stream sniping
A fortnite sweat who always plays fortnite but still somehow has a wife
Omg i just killed ninja in fortnite battle royale
he is the ultimate gamer!
the other day i watched Ninja my role model play some fortnite!