Source Code


I can't breathe.

Seriously help, I'm having an asthma attack.

by J7MC925 October 10, 2016

15๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A condition that prevents a man from doing something unless he has permission from his wife or girlfriend. Everytime they're invited to do something they respond "I gotta asthma girl" or "I gotta asthma (ask my) wife"

Guy A: Where's John
Guy B: Man, you know he can't go nowhere. That fool got asthma.

by abd July 14, 2006

17๐Ÿ‘ 83๐Ÿ‘Ž


A serious disease. Do to one's Bronchial Tube swelling and oxygen not being able to pass through ones system easly. Commonly found in nerds, fat kids, albinos. An asthma episode may be cured by a handy dandy lifesaver...the inhaler.

Asthma Geek: "Dude don't make me laugh, I forgot my inhaler."
Asthma Geek's mean friend: "I don't care, it's funny to watch you squirm when youre close to death."

by Haley RYan Rocks January 29, 2005

35๐Ÿ‘ 373๐Ÿ‘Ž

Poop asthma

Poop asthma is a condition that effects millions of Americans every year, including Justin Bieber.
Poop asthma is a condition that sprads bactiria that infects the poop in your butt. This causes it to become very dry and it makes your butt try to inhale and exhale air to make it less dry. It makes your butthole expand and close in rapidly causing asthma in your butthole.
Poop asthma can eventually spread to your brain through your blood vessels. This is what causes dirty thoughts.

I think my dad has poop asthma.

by gabey wabey October 10, 2020

Finger asthma


A condition found among internet users which causes them to type with excessive presses of the enter key, breaking up their communique into numerous, seemingly wheezed mini-messages.

18:14 Uncle: Final fix
18:14 Uncle: Get this
18:14 Uncle: Gun addons
18:14 Uncle: More ammo
18:14 Uncle: Lower dmg
18:14 Uncle: High dmg
18:14 Uncle: Lower ammo
18:14 Uncle: But
18:14 Uncle: Make it
18:14 Uncle: like this
18:15 Uncle: You can have
18:15 Uncle: dmg and reload speed.
18:15 Uncle: Or faster fire rate
18:15 Uncle: And more ammo
18:15 Crytical: That finger asthma of yours is really making it hard for me to grasp what you're even talking about.

by Crytical September 5, 2010

Meme asthma

That moment when you saw something so funny you wheeze, start laugh coughing, and then it turns into a full on miserable cough.

Damn, Alex just slipped on the oil I set up in the kitchen to prank him. I don't regret it, I got such a good laugh out of it it gave me meme asthma!

by TheRoachUnderYourTable August 4, 2020

asthma attack

A severe episode of the respiratory disease asthma; generally consisting of coughing, wheezing, pressure in the chest, and shortness of breath. Often brought on by an asthmatic's trigger which can be irritants in the air(tobacco smoke,pollution, strong fumes), exercise, allergens (pollen, dander), cold air, etc. Those who have been diagnosed with the disease often have emergency medication in the form of an inhaler on hand to help hinder any sudden attacks. In severe cases, an asthma attack can result in the need for urgent hospitalization. These attacks should under no circumstances be taken lightly, as they can become life-threatening.

One of Bob's asthma triggers is vigorous exercise. Bob joins the basketball team. On the first day of practice, he was so excited that he forgot to take his inhaler beforehand. The coach had the team perform harsh running drills and Bob soon had an asthma attack.

by faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack May 29, 2008

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