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Final evolution of the first gen starter PokΓ©mon Charmander. Statistically the worst starter of that gen, but is somehow one of the most popular PokΓ©mon in existence. I mean this bitch boy can't even learn fly and he got wings. He's fire-flying type, making him quad-weak to rock, as well as being weak to water and electric. He's worse than Typhlosion, gen 2's fire starter, who despite his cool name is not the best. And he got TWO mega evolutions in X and Y. Nintendo trynna get that merchant sold not giving a shit about stats. Even in the anime, the use of bullshittery is evident when Ash's Charizard bests Gary's Blastoise, even though this would be pretty much impossible in the games. He is kind of like Pikachu and Meowth, the series' other mascots, except people don't big them up to be good in-game. And come on, we all know that bulbasaur is the real MVP of gen 1.

Virgin: I love Charizard, he's so cool and powerful!
Any other person: Fuck off dude, he could get beaten by a Sceptile.

by guru_of_gay June 29, 2018

19πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


Back in the day, everyone thought this guy was the best, but then I would whip out my Blastoise and kick his ass every time.

:Dude, my blastoise just kicked his ass

lol, pokemon. I wonder if people play pokemon online now, that would be pretty funny.

by Urban Dictionary December 30, 2009

161πŸ‘ 182πŸ‘Ž


Monster Shit. Explosive Diarrhea to the maximum Level.

Guy 1: "I took a Charizard after eating that burrito from that one place."

by Darknetus June 25, 2011

140πŸ‘ 147πŸ‘Ž


A first gen starter. Fire and Flying
A popular Pokemon in the Pokemon franchise, but unable to meet expectations. I'm gen 6 onwards, Mega Evolution allows it to become an actual dragon.

Dude I finally got a level 100 Charizard with blast burn.

by GamerExorcist September 9, 2017

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


a pokemon with a elongated neck giving it the ability suk his own dick.

i saw charizard doin his thang but he accidently did a flamethrower attack and seared off his pubes.

by koberapedawoman October 18, 2011

80πŸ‘ 113πŸ‘Ž

The Charizard

When you're having sex with a girl and you pull out and cum on her face, then you proceed to run around the room, flapping your arms screaming "You Do Not Have Enough Badges To Train Me!"

she thought she was good at pokemon, well i proved her wrong when i pulled off The Charizard.

by synystergates1992 April 30, 2010

60πŸ‘ 89πŸ‘Ž


Someone who lights womens pubes on fire and lights them up with jizz. He then flaps his wings and says β€œyou are too weak to train me

I heard John is a charizarder

by Daftmelon18 November 28, 2021

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž