1) n. A unique city in southwest Ohio.
2) v. To leave an unenjoyable and unquenching amount of beverage at the bottom of a container that barely fills a quarter of the glass. Also, to leave two drops of a beverage in the container.
2) v. As the appalled Bob poured the remaining four drops of juice into his glass, he screamed, "Hey! Who cincinnatied the orange juice? Why didn't you just finish it and buy a new bottle?"
25๐ 35๐
An absolute run down dump of a city.
The city where all of the other dumpy cities dump their dumpiness.
Guy 1: "Whoa man is that a landfill?"
Guy 2: "No, it's Cincinnati!"
5๐ 7๐
Jerry Springer knows how to handle a bunch of hicks and ghetto divas. He does it on his talk show, but he attained this skill elsewhere: JERRY SPRINGER USED TO BE THIS CITY'S MAYOR.
If that's not enough, this is also the home of Marge Schott, Pete Rose, Nick Lachey, Article 12 (anti-gay legislation), and the April 2001 race riots.
Go Bengals!
The only way to live in Cincinnati is to convince yourself that the situation is temporary.
72๐ 144๐
Cincinatti is an urban legend. Rumors tell of a powerful, advanced civilization south of Columbus, but as any seasoned explorer can tell you, it's all just different variations of Kentucky. The dismal, labored atmosphere of this spawning ground of strife and decay only wishes it could approach the grandeur that are the glue factories of Cleveland's warehouse district.
One bus ticket to Cincinnati, if you please. Yes, I'm aware that it sucks. I'm only staying one day.
73๐ 149๐
Don't listen to what anyone on here says about Cincinnati! It is a great city. It is even the birthplace of Steven Spielburg.
The best city in Ohio; known for its chili, goetta (that stuff's amazing, you have to try it at least once in your lifetime), local festivals, the Reds, the Bengals (yeah, we know that they suck but back off, we're not the only ones), friday night football games (go Elder High School!), goetta fest, Graeter's ice cream, numerous Catholic High Schools, Drive-thru's, and much more.
Everyone says that Cincinnati sucks. Why? Yes, we don't have the best pro-sports-teams, but it takes a true fan to keep watching even when they're losing. Plus, we have great high school sports and, occasionally, good college teams. Elder High School has the most players in the NFL than any other high school football program in the U.S. Yes, we don't have a great night life downtown, but there are great places to go barhopping. My friends and family often go barhopping in Cheviot, because everything's so close so they don't have to have a DD. And, I don't know why everyone keeps talking about how Cincinnati has a high crime rate. I have lived here since I was born, and I have never seen a large amount of crime, nowhere near Detroit or Chicago. Someone said on here that if you go to Cincinnati, you will get shot. This is false. And no, there are not ghettos at every corner. There are some bad neighborhoods, but every city has those.
Don't hate on Cincinnati.
20๐ 30๐
A nice place to visit. If it is before 10pm, you don't want to have fun, you are white, and don't enjoy professional sports.
Let's leave Cincinnati!
67๐ 144๐
My friend was concieved there, I moved there and there is something about the right-wing conservatives that we can't get enough of. We just love that there is nothing to do unless you are 21 and frequently carry at least $150 in your pocket. It's a great place to kick back and insult people who are different than you.
NOTE: in case you can't tell, sarcasm is oozing from this definition.
Ben: Let's go to downtown!
Maggie: We are downtown...
Ben: Wait, why are we the only ones here, besides that fuckin' statue of a flying pig?
64๐ 136๐