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Full Blown Boner

The event horizon of any gathering (social or private) at which the fun and excitement of the moment is bigger or more exciting than usual.

Guy1: "Dood, that party last night went Full Blown Boner right after you left with that Swamp Donkey. There were so many more hotty-bomb-bodies than guys that some of them ended up hooking up with each other!"

Guy2: "STFU..."

by Uncle Boner May 13, 2011

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full blown fuckwit

When someone is incredibly stupid or makes dumb decisions that are out of this world and are unable to be comprehended.

Sophie: Wait, so if you're pregnant with twins would you be pregnant for 18 months?
Amber: You're a full blown fuckwit.

Sophie: Who, me?

by iamnotaperistool March 16, 2017

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Full Blown Wookie

To tear shit up; going wild in a place where you should not be going wild; a disgusting sloppy drunk girl.

If they dont give me friday off, im gonna go full blown wookie up in this office.

She just went full blown wookie officer. Started breaking my shit so i threw her ass out.

Man, last night steve hooked up with a full blown wookie and she puked all over his couch.

by LEWEE REGAL November 21, 2006

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full blown rose

When a vagina is fully aroused, and the lips are open like a rose in full bloom.

When I fucked Dolores it didn't take much foreplay, when I pulled down her panties she had a full blown rose.

by Robroy March 3, 2007

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Full Blown Mel

the act of going from a perfectly calm mental state, to bat-shit psychotic .. Whether or not this condition is inherent or provoked is still under debate..

If you two idiots don't stop arguing and do your jobs, I'm going to go Full Blown Mel in this motherfucker ! I've got rose gardens with your names on them; watch your butts.. harumph !

by harumph! July 16, 2010

full-blown bitch

Definitely a bitch .
Someone who's very mean.
Short term for "Daughter of Satan".

Full of things that will define the life of a bitch.

Oh she's totally a full-blown bitch!

Ugh!Girl, you better stop acting like a full-blown bitch.

by YoIzYoGurlKy9 November 4, 2017

Full Blown Gay

The art of being 110% gay

When Xi Hong, throw his chopsticks at me, i called him Full Blown Gay.

While Hector Sanchez was farting after his burritos, I knocked him across the head, called him a mexican, and told him to stop being Full Blown Gay or I'd call Immigration Serivces

by Bob Tibbles November 28, 2006

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