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full of shit

In the wise words of one youtube comment, it is a shorthand for describing people who eat shit for breakfast, lunch and dinner after which the sleep in shit beds and have shit dreams of shit.

Stranger: You should try this game out, I heard its great.

i tried it the other day,

at the start of every round i told my team i was a new player and needed some help, then 2 mins into the game, when i'm the first one to die, i get shit on by my teammates.
this game is shit because of the shit community that is full of shit people who eat shit for breakfast, lunch and dinner after which the sleep in shit beds and have shit dreams of shit, shit shit shit

by IEatChalk December 25, 2014

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You are full of shit

A personal conjecture towards another informing them that you do not believe what they are saying. A way of telling someone that what they are telling you is a big steamy pile of smelly bullshit. Hence they would be "full of shit".

someone - "I am such a badass I fended myself from four bears last year after we got lost on the canoeing trip"

you - " You are full of shit."

by Didnt use my real name November 8, 2010

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Literally full of shit

When your digestive system is backed up to the point where the majority of it is filled with partially-to-fully digested food.

God, I'm so constipated, I'm literally full of shit.

by Mistlebone March 2, 2017

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Crockpot full of shit

When something so unbelievable it's outlandish

I told Chris his story was a crockpot full of shit because there was no way he jump of the radio tower downtown on the high rise

by Smokeyjdc555 June 21, 2022

Pants Full Of Shit Drunk

The act of getting so drunk that you don't know nor care that you have just totally shit you pants, usually with a sticky burning goo.

Dude did you see that loser, he was was pants full of shit drunk.

by BigBlackBlick September 13, 2010

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fill me full of shit

When someone tells you a lie, you are being filled full of shit.

"I've got a 12 inch dick."

"Hey man, don't fill me full of shit."

by jordanc57 August 11, 2007

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full shit hands

Hands covered with shit, or shit water.

He had full shit hands after he had to fish his wallet out of the pot.

by Ed Bodine August 7, 2008

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