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A sorry ass town in Indiana that:

1. Has alot of cornfields

2. Is boring as hell

3. Has a building (chase Tower) look like a penis w/ antennas

4. Looks like a giant suburb in search of a city

5. Has alot of Cocky, arrogant Jocks and ignorant wiggers

6. Has alot of redneck, white-bread, chicken shit maw fuckas

7. Has alot of stupid, white, backstabbin whores

8. Has mean black girls

9. Has raggidy ass roads

10. Has a football team that can never make it to the superbowl

11. Cheated it's way into the top 20 largest U.S. cities

12. Is not really a major city

13. Thinks they're better than Chicago

14. Has people who own large pick-ups and/or SUV's and speed down the freeways at 90 MPH

15. has no streetlights or sidewalks(except in downtown area)

16. Has a small downtown with nothing to do

17. Has over-reactive cops that thinks someone will crash an airplane into their small buildings or nuke their cornfields

18. Has a bunch of old, tore up ass houses that make westside chicago houses look new

19. Is full of pussies

20. Can go to hell

21. People even in Chicago don't know exists

22. Has fake ass niggas

Indianapolis sucks balls!

by 499587 November 24, 2006

108๐Ÿ‘ 163๐Ÿ‘Ž


Complaining that Indianapolis lacks a subway or a ski resort or a beach is like buying a Suburban and complaining about the mileage. It is what it is, which is mostly very good.

Typical complaints:

No culture: Wrong. Visit the Indianapolis Museum of Art, the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, the opera, the ballet, the Circle Theater, the many universities and colleges with first class cultural opportunities. If you're missing the culture here you aren't looking.

No skyline: Look at the pictures.

No rivers, lakes, greenspaces, etc.: Wrong. The White River flows through the city, as does the Central Canal with miles of crushed gravel path. There are many more miles of connected rail trails. There are two huge lakes on each side of town, one that is home to a lot of motor boat activity, and another that sees a lot of sailing and rowing races. There are many large city parks. And just an hour south is Brown County State Park, home to some of the best mountain biking east of the Mississippi. Look it up.

No diversity: Wrong. Come and look around. If by diversity you mean, there aren't as many jaded too-cool-for-anything-but-NYC posers, then yes, Indianapolis may not be that diverse. But even that population is growing, based on the increasing number of bearded hipster guys riding single speed bikes in girl pants. Even these guys, however, fit in with the rest of us nice, normal, and well-adjusted people.

Indianapolis --
The bad: It isn't New York or L.A.
The good: It isn't New York or L.A.

by Uncle Java October 25, 2011

20๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


A boring, lifeless city smack in the middle of an even more boring, lifeless state. Here is a brief description of what people are like in this nothing town.

The inhabitants of this worthless city come in two forms.

If they're males: dumb, cocky jocks or fake, wannabe wiggers. All of them are more racist than strom thurmund yet steal their every behavior from ghetto black culture. They either shave their heads and grow goatees or if they're clean shaven they wear "bald fades" like the black people like hate so much. They think it makes them look "ruff n' tuff, muh fugger".

If they're females: frumps who wear gym shorts and t-shirts 365 days a year or sluts who wear clubwear even when totally inappropriate (like, say, church) because it's "hawt". Ironically, the women here earn more than the men do, since most men think anything other than being a convict, intermittent construction worker, a cop, or big box retail manager, all of which don't pay too well, is "for fags". The women, OTOH, actually get college degrees and better-paying jobs, even though it's always in "healthcare" or business admin. But instead of going for the few educated men in this town, they flock to the jock and wigger deadbeats like they're little Donald Trumps.

Me: Living in Indianapolis sucks, it's full of deadbeat morons who think they're big bad tough guys.

Friend: Yeah, try putting these jokers in some place like the south side of Chicago and see how long they last.

Me: I could write a 600 page book bashing this city and everybody in it...Too bad nobody here knows how to read and write!

Friend: Better use lots of slang and cuss words then or you'll lose your audience. Oh, and make sure there are lots of boobs and pictures of payton manning and UFC fighters. That'll hold their attention.

by hoofhearted80 September 14, 2011

30๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. the Indiana State Capital
2. largest city in Indiana and 12th largest in the U.S.
3. old North Meridian Street
4. Broad Ripple
5. Fountain Square
6. Monument Circle
7. the Colts
8. the Pacers
9. basketball crazy
10. the Indy 500
11. White River State Park
12. St. Elmo's Steak House
13. suburban soccer moms who drive SUVs

Indianapolis is not really a "large" city in the traditional sense but is rather, a large, Midwest town with a comfortable quality of life.

by krock1dk@yahoo.com October 1, 2007

22๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


The capital of this no-name non-existent state of Indiana. Indianapolis may be diverse in some ways. But the white people like to segregate themselves. They are also very rude towards minorities. I hate living here. Fu-k the Colts. They're way over-rated. The only good side of Iny is the cleanliness of some parts of the city, and the northern side of Indy, which actually is Carmel and Fisher. Totally different world. I would not want to live here permanently. Indy should be a nuclear weapons testing ground.

Scientist #1: Hey bro, let's test this nuke weapons somehwere in the US.

Scientist #2: yeah, I want to nuke Indianapolis. Such a horrible place with arrogant whiteys.

by YoYoScientists Bro July 11, 2008

42๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž


A big nothing stuck in the middle of nowhere.

Indianoplace. Nuff said.

by steviedee May 26, 2004

108๐Ÿ‘ 227๐Ÿ‘Ž


A sad city in the center of the U.S. state Indiana, there is nothing to do there and people should avoid this cesspool of depression and pot smokers.

I feel like Indianapolis today.

by MonsterMoufesBoiBoi12 February 18, 2018

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž