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a word that expresses displease or not-goodness. mep can be used as a noun, adjective, basically anything that can show displeasure

After Karen drove over a bump in the road she said, "Mep," but then later denied it.
"I don't like what the mep is going on here."
"I got mepped at the used car lot."
"Ah, mep the meppin meppers."

by MC Nutreal July 7, 2006

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A unique word that can be used as any part of speech. Because the word, "mep," is short and cacophonous, it can be easily used to describe practically anything that is annoying, anyone who is overly-excited, as well as anything that is in the process of being annoying/bothersome. The word's sheer hideousness (and ease of being vocalized), has made it a go-to when one wants to describe anything generally irritating, and can be synonymous with the words "loser", "ugly", "stupid" and "annoying."

"She is actually excited for the physics final, what a mep."

"Those clothes she bought at the mall are so mep, only an idiot with no fashion sense would wear them."

"She's probably so meppy because the only people she socializes with are fellow meps."

"We were all meppin' it yesterday, we wore ugly clothes and exuded an aura of insipidity."

by The Return of Tituba May 4, 2013

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MEP is shouted in situation where 2 or more people are flirting or chirpsing with each other, usually by others observing the ongoing flirting.

Ed: I know I know I'm just that kind.
Ashleigh: You are so kind Ed.
Ed: Not as kind as you Ashleigh!
Ashleigh: N'aww youre such a babe Ed.
Ed: aha awww love you babe.
George: MEP!

by georgelikesmep July 18, 2010

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other word for no, or nope, or shut down.

that guy just got mepped by her

by michael February 22, 2005

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The gateway to hell. Military entrance processing station.

They drug tested me at meps and I accidently passed that shit. I ACTUALLY have to go. I can't believe they let me sign up drunk.

by runswell May 2, 2005

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*drops pasta on oneself*

friend- "mep. just mep."

by Diane Victoria Suzanna Charlot April 9, 2009

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To hit someone, normally behind the head after they have said something drastically stupid.

Normally Caribbean Slang for 'hit'.

Boy! Do You want me to MEP you for saying something so stupid?

by AnnieNer December 8, 2010

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