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Peenie Is the word for a very tiny penis. One that you would say is 'cute' and people make jokes about it being microscopic.

Have you seen Alex's peenie? No because it's so small.

by Peenieluva April 30, 2016

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A peenie is another name for a peanut butter sandwich. my grandma says so.

"hey i just made a fresh peenie, did you want crunchy or smooth?"

by peenielover June 1, 2020

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Peeny Greeny

An alternative name for Pinot Grigio wine commonly used by super cool people.

"Yay! Grandma got me peeny greeny for my birthday again. Super cool."

by Joe and Holly :)) August 26, 2021

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peenie squeezie

Pennie Squeezie is a buff bulldog introduced on season 1 of Hot Streets. His methods are crude but effective.

Hey! Wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh! Don't fuck with peenie squeezie!

by thislunchmeatsmellslikefarts May 26, 2019

peenie whacker

Used to ejaculate and evacuate. Cums in many shapes and sizes (and colors) while also being attached to twins which can also cum in different shapes and sizes. Can be hairy, smooth and/or prickly like a cacti. Can also be used a derogatory term.

Kiki: bro my waiter was such a bitch, he made me pay for water

Chance: what a fuckin peenie whacker


Evan: what’s it mean when a girl laughs when I show her my peenie whacker?

Randy: means you got a massive member my manz

Evan: oh..

by Chance52 August 21, 2021

cheezy peeny

A Cheezy Peeny is when's one puts melted cheese on their penis.
it is incredibly painful and no one does it exept for those guys who don't know what real love is.

"oh my god dude what is luigi doing?!"
" you pie faced ding dog he's making a cheezy peeny...."

by IronicDarkness July 28, 2017

peeni walli

Jamaican slang for firefly, a little blue beetle with an illuminated abdomen.

Dem a say da peeni walli swarm 'round mi rooftop

by Y745 October 5, 2003

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