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A Soyboy or twitch mod is someone who watches camgirls and buys bathwater from these camgirls

The soyboy or twitch mod would stop fucking beating his cock to alinity

by Symthetics August 3, 2019

3πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


A cute effeminate boy.
The word is mostly used by the alt-righters: a group who is totally not neo-nazi *wink* and gay men who go on *chan image-boards.

Example 1:
anon: imagewithacuteeffeminateboy.jpg
anon2: imagewithafrogcallingtheboyinanonsimageasoyboy.jgp
/pol/ anon: Whites supreamcy, genocide and stuff
anon who doesn't go to /pol/: >>>/pol/
/pol/ anon: fucking soyboy

by dicsrgud March 12, 2019

5πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž



Tristan is a soyboy who uses the railing because he’s too weak.

by September 9, 2020

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A boy, manchild, or misguided and immature teenager that has symptoms of a nice guy syndrome, but not enough deceitfulness to lie well enough to a girl to get sex from her. Ends up wondering why girls don't like him and why his friends don't respect him. Typically ends up either maturing as he gets older or goes through a period of arrested development until his 30s.

What happened to that cute guy you were dating? The uhh.., one who wrote those cute poems for you?

*Ugh* Him? Total soyboy?


Yeah, I couldn't tell soon enough.

Well, I didn't wanna say anything, you were really into him.

*Whines at the embarrassment* I KNOWWW..., I miss him.

by gw31 January 28, 2022

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A "man" who through constant consumption of estrogen producing soy based products and playing Nintendo games designed for kids, have managed to lower their testosterone to levels that shouldn't even be possible.

This usually leads to a litany of lifestyle problems such as: relationships where their girlfriend/wife openly cheats on them, health and physical appearance problems (such as neck beard, obesity, premature balding, and poor vision), illnesses of the mind such as communism. And last but not least an insatiable urge to post cringey photos of themselves with their mouth wide agape like a drooling mongoloid.

Soyboy: plz plz plz! Do I have enough good boy points to play Legend of Zelda yet??
Soyboys GF: No Kieth, I'm sleeping with Tyrone tonight and he doesn't want you playing videogames past your bed time

by Nicenevepre October 13, 2020

3πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


When you beat your meat from watching any porn from Asia that your cum tastes like Soy Scauce.

Trash: Yo this kid just Masturbated to Hentai .

by thereapermage February 20, 2018

11πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž


The name of a man who eats tofu. They consume soy or tried soy for the first time because they are in love with an asian and she forced him to. That is the true definition of a soyboy.

friend : β€œmy girl made me try tofu bro, it’s kinda nice”
friend: β€œyou’re officially a soyboy”

by riley_1 March 8, 2020

4πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž