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One who observes, looks for, gawks, or even tries to interact with a celebrity.

100% TRUE STORY: After trying repeatedly to semi-successfully engage in conversation with Frances Fisher (former lover of Clint Eastwood) at Whole Foods Market in Hollywood, a stargazer knew her label ... when Ms. Fisher said loudly, winking, to the cashier as the "stargazer" followed her in line: "What kind of lily is that (pointing to a bunch of lilies for sale at the register)?" The cashier loudly said in reply, winking back Ms. Fisher, while looking at the "stargazer" gawker ...

"It's a Stargazer."

She knew then, that she had overstepped her boundaries with the celebrity, and was a true Stargazer.

by Candycasa January 30, 2010

26πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Shipper of the Harry Potter ship WolfStar (Remus/Sirius)

I love Remus and Sirius together, I'm a complete stargazer.

by SiriusScruffy September 21, 2012

12πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


An obscure early JRPG for the NES only released in Japan. It is infamous for how absolutely atrocious it is, having incomprehensible spiriting, bad art, invisible towns, random warp tiles that bring you back to the beginning of the game, an insane number of bugs, huge balancing issues, terrible UI, starting back at Lv0 every time you load a save, allowing you to get completely stuck and soft locked if you didn't bring enough keys, etc. It is often regarded in japan as the "legendary shitty game" which is quite the accomplishment. Regardless, a massive patch/ROM Hack exists for the NES version that fixes the bugs and graphics so the game is actually playable, (it's still bad though) and a full remake made in RPG Maker XP also exists. No English translation of either the NES or RPG Maker version has ever been made due to the game's obscurity.

Guy 1: "Dragon Warrior II is by far the worst JRPG on the NES."
Guy 2: "Nah fam, STARGAZER is far, FAR worse."
Guy 1: "WTF is a STARGAZER?"

by KrimsonKatt January 13, 2022


A music genre combining shoegaze and industrial rock , with elements of Sci-fi. Name stems originally from the surreal imagery, electronic drums, and cascading distorted guitars. The term was first coined by podcaster Brandon Irvine to describe the midwestern shoegaze scene. Notable stargaze bands include Deadlight Holiday, Komedy, and Something! Abstract!.

"That Stargaze band last night was crazy!"

by Lacroixlight July 8, 2020


When you get obsessed with the life of celebrities to the point, that they become like real friends to you and you maybe forget about your real friends and yourself

β€œYou spend way too much time stargazing”

by rainbowbird January 5, 2018

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


a cute jersey chick you meet at the bar, who falls while skiing. she is however pretty dam awesome.

i met this awesome stargazer at the mountain this week

by ceasar palace March 7, 2012

4πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Stargazer Lilly

One of the most stunning and perhaps most celebrated lily varieties is the stargazer lily. Known for its striking blooms and heavenly scent, the stargazer is a fantastic choice for a number of occasions. Delicate, bold, and fragrant all at once, stargazers can say Congratulations, I'm Sorry, and everything in between.

The best boy friends buy you this flower cause they know you are worth it!

The stargazer has added a new layer to the already rich legacy of lilies, which have been a significant floral symbol for centuries. In ancient mythology and in folklore from around the world, the lily has appeared as a deeply spiritual and philosophical metaphor. Developed in the latter part of the 20th century, the stargazer lily is a recent addition to the lily family, but this unique and rather exotic hybrid has rapidly risen in popularity to become one of the most adored and sought-after of all lily varieties.
ts dazzling appearance and seductive scent has resulted in a flower that can really make an entrance. Stargazers are floral celebrities – bold, beautiful and dramatic – and they're sure to make that statement for you, whatever the occasion may be.

Stargazer Lilly
Mary: Oh my what kind of flower is that? there so beautiful

Jake: Its a Stargazer Lilly, and yes it is beautiful, but so are you

by mdubs911 April 23, 2009

10πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž