The formal organization opposing the racist organization "EDL" (English Defense League). Founded by CEO and English YouTuber Niko Omilana.
Word definition: Niko Defense League.
"Do you support the EDL?"
"Nah fam, I support the anti-racist NDL"
The formal organization opposing the racist organization "EDL" (English Defense League). Founded by CEO and English YouTuber Niko Omilana.
Word definition: Niko Defense League.
"Do you support the EDL?"
"Nah fam, I support the anti-racist NDL"
The NDL stands for the one and only ‘’ Niko Defense League’’ Owned by Niko
The NDL is a infamous group created by Niko "not neeko" Omilana.
The NDL or also know as Niko Defense League was created as a parody to the group EDL(English Defense League).
The NDL spelt backwards LDN stands for LonDoN.
"Workers of the world, unite!"
NDL for mayor.
The greatest and most powerful organization in the history of the world, created by the legend, Niko Omilana.
Josh: Did you see about the NDL?
Luke: What’s that?
Josh: Your joking, right?
The NDL stands for the Niko Defence League, owned by famous Brit'ish youtuber, Niko! Niko is also apart the BETA SQUAD.
The NDL'S rivals are the fucking EDL like who gives a shit about them racist pricks.
Anyway the owner of the NDL has trolled the owner of the EDL, Tommy Robertson. Fuck him.
The NDL started as a joke but now Niko (NOT NEEEKO) Has adapted it to be a REAL thing with over a millon member
One of the first members can be found in one of his video. He was responding to hate comments from the EDL members. They said "oH iLl KiLl YoU iF yOu CoMe BaCk To TeLfOrD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" And well he went there... didn't die. He found a old man who actually thought that this was important! There was also a lady which while they were chanting "NDL! NDL!" she almost said EDL she also said Ni@^*! Defence league