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That's not a thing

Phrase used to denote frustration with or to dismiss a concept or notion that either

A.) Makes no sense
B.) Is not widely known
C.) Does not exist

Person 1: I heard you were sick, what do you have? Chicken pox? Measles? Armenian Bird Flu?
Person 2: Wha-? That's not a thing

Person 1: This new body lotion I have works by activating the fourth and third chakras
Person 2: That's not even a thing

by BlackMan646 February 5, 2010

211πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

That thing

Sex, or getting the other person in bed

Girls, you know you'd better watch out. Some guys are only about that thing.
Guys, you know you'd better watch out. Some girls are only about that thing.

by Mr Say April 15, 2013

55πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

a thing

It's the stage in middle/high school where you aren't quite dating yet, but you've both established that you like each other. It's exclusive but not completely yet.

"Are you dating Stacy?" "No but we have a thing"

by idontevencareno April 6, 2016

3137πŸ‘ 427πŸ‘Ž


you're associated mainly with that person and their basically the only person you do physical things with but you have some slip ups because considering that you're not officially together with a label you're allowed to let your eyes hands and lips wander a bit. You both have to understand that your not a priority until you have decided you guys want to be more than just a thing. A thing is like a step towards thinking about being more because you care about the person but can end in relationship or hatred. All depending on the people and if they discussed and agreed on what they both expect. You have to be on the same page or things get messy. And you have to have the same idea of an outcome. Even though the outcomes are never certain things can fade off where as relationships end much more abruptly. Things can be something one day and nothing the next it all depends on the actions &feelings of both parties they're best when feelings are kept minimal until discussed more thoroughly with both parties

"Are you two a thing?"

"Yeah we're a thing."

by alisa_am September 14, 2011

443πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž

it's a thing

Phrase used to describe a phenomenon, often of some modern cultural significance.

Brunch: it's a thing.

by haygirlhayy June 5, 2012

122πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

thing with the things

Woman with large breasts.

Remember that thing with the things from last weekend? I seen her again at the mall. Them things came in the door about three seconds before the rest of her did!

by exitflagger April 29, 2008

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

a thing

having β€˜a thing’ with someone means you both like each other and both of u know it. but not dating.

β€œhey are u and that guy dating yet?”
β€œno but we have a thing.”

by dabsquadgangang December 22, 2019

34πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž